Troll hoard and orcs

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Elysian P/O/V:

All the dwarves except Thorin thank me for my help but I decide it is best to ignore him. Bilbo walks over and smiles "Are you alright?" I nod "Yes thank you, all I may need to restrain from using any strong magic for a while." he nods and we follow the others up the mountain "What happened to the pony's?" Bilbo looks sheepish "I cut them loose I don't know where they went." I sigh and wounder where Nala went with all my belongings, hopefully she remembered the way to Rivendell and will be safe.

We come to a cave in the mountain side and wrinkle my nose in distance "This place stinks." Bilbo smiles "I agree." we follow the dwarves into the cave and I create a small ball of fire in my hand to help light the cave. There are bones littering the floor and quite a stash of swords along the wall. I walk over to them standing next to Thorin "These swords a beautiful." he grunts in response and Gandalf takes out one of the swords dusting it off. "These are old elvish blades." Thorin makes a disgusted noise and goes to put it back "You will find no finer blade in Middle Earth."

He takes it back making several grumbling noises and I pick up one of the blades at the back. It looks vaguely familiar. I turn and watch as a group of dwarves drop several chests in a hole and start covering it back up with earth. "What are you doing?" Bofur smiles and looks up "We are leaving a small deposit to come back to once this whole adventure is over." I smile and shake my head slightly walking back outside.

 I dust of the blade in the light and admire it, it is a beautifully crafted blade with several familiar symbols at the top. This was made on Majda. I tie it around my waist and turn towards the trees "Someone is approaching." the others turn and Radagast comes bursting through the trees.

I smile and he mutters something about bad things happening and Gandalf places a hand on his shoulder obviously trying to comfort him. He calms down slightly and looks around "There's bad things happening in the woods, sickness, spiders." I walk over and smile "Hello Radagast." he smiles "Elysian what are you doing here?" I smile "I could ask the same to you." he nods and the sounds of wargs yelling echoes through the trees.

I scowl and take my bow from my back turning to look at Gandalf who nods slightly. I know what he is thinking Rivendell is our only hope. "Elysian do you have enough energy to shift?" I sigh and roll my shoulders nodding slightly. I sling my bow onto my back stepping a few steps back so I have more space. I close my eyes and concentrate on my magic feeling myself start to shift. I choose a large animal and shift into a large grey wolf. The others start running following Gandalf and Radagast takes of on his sleigh drawing the orcs away.

Following Radagast I grin at the feel of the wind flowing through my fur, I had almost forgotten the feeling of shifting into large animals. Radagast veers of out of the trees and I spot the orc pack slowing so that I am behind them. The dwarves run across the open ducking behind the boulders that litter the floor. A few of the orcs break of from the pack and I chase after them loving the strength and power of my wolf body. 

I jump onto the wargs pulling their riders of with my teeth and biting through them leaving them dead on the ground. I spit out the foul blood and hear familiar horns blowing in the distance. Rivendell soldiers. I follow after the dwarves as a warg follows them down the tunnel they just disappeared down. I growl and drag it back the orc falling down the tunnel dead. I leave the warg on the ground and run after the elven soldiers towards Rivendell.  A few of the soldiers raise their weapons but Elrond stops them from shooting. I grin at them and run faster catching up.

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