Under the mountain

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I stretch out on the bed in my room groaning into the thin blankets that are acting as a cushion. Sitting up I find all my bruises  have now completely disappeared and the scratch is merely on white line. Standing I change into a clean white shirt and trousers and pull on my boots before walking out into the hall to find the others. We are all currently living in the upper most level of the mountain and have cleared a room each and a main room where we all gather each morning to discus what to do. Thorin has most of the dwarves all in the treasure room scanning for the Arkenstone while Balin, Oin, Dori, Bilbo and myself move from room to room going through old books and scrolls while moving debris out of corridors mainly by magic.

The dwarves have re-built the door out of rocks and debris so no one can get in our out without rope or flying. The dwarves and Bilbo are all eating so I walk to Thorin's side kissing his cheek gently while sitting down next to him. "Did you sleep well?" I nod "Yes thank you." he smiles and I notice a slight darkness in his right eye but put it down as a trick of the light as it isn't there when I focus. 

"Are you alright?" I nod and smile softly taking a long drink of water before standing "I'm going back to where we left of yesterday." he nods slightly "We continue looking for the Arkenstone." the dwarves all nod and I can sense they are downhearted by the thought of spending another day combing piles of gold. 

Leaving them alone I smile slightly closing my eyes for a moment feeling my magic flowing fully through my body for the first time since I came to Middle Earth. I allow myself to shift into wolf form and pad through the halls towards the closed set of doors hiding the library. I nose the door open and walk inside over to the shelves where I found books on my home. Everything is covered in a thick layer of dust but it is easily removed. "Elysian?" the door opens and Bilbo walks in jumping slightly when he catches sight of me. I remember I am in wolf form and shift back smiling "Sorry, how can I help Bilbo?" he smiles slightly sitting down at the table in the middle "Have you noticed anything wrong with Thorin?"

I perch on the table in front of him "What makes you ask that?" he shakes his head slightly "He didn't sleep last night he spent the whole time in the treasure chamber looking for the Arkenstone. He sometimes has a dark glint in his eyes. I'm worried about him." I smile slightly "I have noticed it as well, the treasure is cursed with dragon sickness. I'm beginning to fear it might be effecting him." he nods slightly staring at the floor "If he found the Arkenstone would it help?" I sigh "I do believe it would make him worse. Dragon sickness is tricky and I have never had to deal with it before in person."

Bilbo sighs "Will he be alright?" I nod slightly "I hope so, I will do all I can to help him." Bilbo stands "Thank you." he walks away, I watch him go slightly confused but decided to leave him to it trusting the hobbit to make the right decision. 

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