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Something creaks and groans underneath us and I jump to my feet. "Everyone up. Now." I clang two knives together the sound echoing around the small cave. The dwarves all jump up and I secure my pack and weapons "We need to leave, now!" they start scrambling to get their things as the floor splits in two causing the dwarves, Bilbo and myself to go tumbling down. The dwarves all grunt as we land in a heap in some sort of cage. 

Goblins come swarming forward and pull everyone out beginning to disarm them. Scowling slightly I hide my own with magic hoping to keep my reserves high if it comes to fighting. The goblins herd us forwards and Bofur whispers "Where's Bilbo?" I look around and sure enough the hobbit is missing.

The goblins continue to shove us forwards until we get to a large area swarming with goblins. They all stare at a large goblin who is sitting on some sort of throne. He leans forward into the light revealing several large chins that hang down onto his stomach and a thorny crown atop his head. I wrinkle my nose in disgust and he lets out a low growl "What have we got here then. Dwarves and ahh an elf." I bare my teeth at him and he grins "Not an elf a Majda!" I frown how does he know what I am? He motions to one of the goblins next to him "Send a note to Striker, tell him we have found the one he seeks." 

Several goblins grab my arms preventing me from moving and I scowl "Let me go you swine." the goblin king laughs "Such a pretty thing, we'll be sorry to see you leave." I growl at him and punch the goblin closest to me when he runs a hand up my thigh. Another goblin brings the dwarves swords forward presenting them to the king "They had these on them sire." the king yelps and moves backwards squishing several of his followers in the process. "The goblin cleaver." he looks at the dwarves "Ah Thorin Oakenshield I know someone who will pay a pretty price for your head." he grins turning to another goblin "Tell the pale orc that I have found his prize." 

I scowl and concentrate my magic on the goblins around me causing them to fall to the ground unconscious. This distracts the goblins enough for the dwarves to grab their weapons. I unsheathe two of my swords swinging them killing any goblin that dares to get to close. I spot Gandalf running towards us and I sigh in relief following the dwarves as we run towards what is hopefully an exit. We run killing goblins as we go, all the while I am wondering where Striker is now?

I lose track of how many goblins I kill as we run. After several minutes we come to a long stone corridor leading to the outside. I sigh in relief and we come to a halt in a small clearing of trees. Thorin scowls "Where is the hobbit?" he shakes his head "He probably went home." there is a muffled noise behind us and Bilbo steps forward and gives a sweet speech about how he wants to go home but stayed because he wants to help the dwarves get there home back.

Gandalf smiles but his face turns grave as the sound of wargs reaches our ears. I scowl "Wargs!" Gandalf herds the dwarves forwards "Run, run." I put away my swords and grip my bow loosely notching an arrow. We come to a cliff and Gandalf helps the dwarves climb up the trees just as the wargs attack. I shoot two of them before noticing that Bilbo is still standing on the ground trying to pull his sword from a wargs head. I run over and grab him and his sword before pushing him up into a tree and swinging myself up next to him. We climb higher as the wargs start jumping up pulling all the lower branches of the trees. 

The trees start to fall the weight to much for their loose roots and the dwarves leap from tree to tree until we all end up in the last tree standing balancing on the edge of the cliff. Two of the dwarves fall and I grab one of them pulling them back into the tree safely. I turn to see Thorin picking up a piece of branch and raising his sword walking towards the pale orc. I move down the tree not taking my eyes of him wanting to protect him. I jump to the ground aiming at the pale orcs head as he runs at Thorin. The two of them start fighting and I try and keep my arrow trained on the pale orc but the amount they are moving it is very hard. 

I loosen the string slightly watching tensely as the two fight. I hear the eagles cawing in the distance and almost sigh in relief until Thorin gets knocked to the ground. I loose my arrow hitting the pale orc in the arm distracting him enough so that Thorin can be carried of by one of the eagles. The orc turns to me and scowls pulling the arrow out of his arm. I loose another hitting him in the shoulder before turning and jumping of the cliff landing on one of the eagles backs. I sigh in relief and bury my fingers in the eagles feathers putting my bow onto my back.

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