The Shire

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The next morning I wake early and pack away the few things I unpacked before slipping out the inn silently and into the stables. I saddle Nala and stroke her nose while holding out an apple. Checking that everything is secure I lead her out the stables and to the gate. I bow my head to the night watcher still at their post and mount Nala "To the shire." She neighs softly and sets of at a steady pace in the direction of the shire.

Thanks to magic and Nalas swift pace we reach the border just as the sun has started to set. I dismount and walk next to her through the streets trying to find an inn or tavern. I smile on relief when the green Dragon inn comes into view and tie Nala outside and stroke her main "I'll only be a minute." I walk inside ducking under the door beam and push back my hood.

Inside is warm and well lit with a couple of hobbits sitting around laughing and drinking. A female hobbit skips over and smiles brightly "How can I help you miss?" I smile "A room for two nights and somewhere for my horse." she smiles "I thought you where an elf but your teeth say otherwise and I don't believe elves have tattoos." I laugh and she blushes slightly "I'm sorry I tend to talk without thinking."

I smile "I don't mind." She grins "There's a stable around the back for your horse and I'm sure we can find a room big enough." I smile and walk outside leading Nala around to the stables. I hang up her saddle and reigns and take my saddle bags inside. The same hobbit from early runs over still smiling brightly "Those look heavy you give those to me and find somewhere to sit." she takes the saddle bags before I can protest and disappears up some stairs reappearing moments later.

I sit in a spare chair by the fire and start taking my hair out of its braid letting it fall loose around my shoulders. The female hobbit hands me a plate of food and places a tankerd on the table before settling in the seat opposite "We don't get many visitors, what's your name?." I smile "Elysian." She smiles "That's a lovely name I'm Mila." I smile "Its a pleasure to meet you Mila." She beams and three male hobbits walk over "The usual please Mila."

She stands smiling as bright as ever and rushes over to the bar. The three hobbits sit opposite me and I smile before starting to eat the assorted food in front of me. "Sorry about Mila she can be a bit much." I smile at the hobbit who spoke "Don't worry about it." The hobbits eyes widen "You have pointy teeth." I smile "Yes." He nods slightly "Your not an elf?" I shake my head slightly "No but I am friends with many. I am a Majda."

A different hobbit nods "Never heard of them." I smile "I am not from Middle Earth." They all look shocked and several more hobbits drag their chairs closer one asking "Where you from then?" I smile sadly "A far away place you would not have heard of it." They all start asking questions which I try and answer as best I can without revealing to much about myself.

After several hours I stand and smile "I'm sorry but I think I'm going to retire for the night." Mila runs over and beards the hobbits away flashing me a smile "Sleep well Elysian." She hands me a key and disappears in the crowd of hobbits.

I smile and walk up the stairs and into the room that matches the number on my key. The room is small but fall enough to stand in. I sit on the bed and close my eyes meditating the rest of the night to clear my head.

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