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My breathing evens out and I lean into Thorin's arms. He runs his fingers through my hair gently "Your okay." I nod and push myself up swaying slightly on my feet. Thorin stands as well frowning slightly "Did you see what happened to my nephews? Did Azog get them?" I shake my head softly reaching for the small horn tied to my belt and blowing once. A long deep sound echoes around us, answered by a roar. A shadow passes overhead and a familiar midnight blue dragon lands in front of us (basically toothless but dark blue).

I grin and Fili and Kili slip of her back looking shaken but unscathed. The dragon bounds forward and I open my arms grinning falling onto my back when she barrels into my chest. I laugh grimacing when she licks my face "I missed you too." 

Thorin P/O/V:

I hug my nephews tightly making sure they are alright while they assure me they are fine although neither want to go flying again. Turning I find Elysian flat on her back the dragon laying with its head on her stomach while she laughs petting its head. Kili tilts his head to the side "Is she okay?" Fili snorts "I think she knows the dragon." Elysian sits up pressing her forehead to the dragons before standing "Thorin, Fili, Kili. This is Ash my dragon." Fili looks confused "Why do you need a dragon if you can turn into one?" she laughs "Very few Majda can. Dragons have been our companions for centuries." 

The dragon, Ash, waddles forward butting her head against my arm sniffing it. The rest of the company appear looking tired and most are sporting injuries of some degree but everyone is alive. My nephews run to greet them and I follow shortly after seeking a certain hobbit. I hug him tightly "Forgive me Master Baggins. I should not have yelled at you or threatened you. You are a valid member of this company and a loyal friend." he grins and nods slightly "Thank you." 

Balin walks to my side smiling "It would seem Elysian's people arrived in a nick of time. They saved many of our kind." I nod slightly looking over at Elysian who seems to be talking to Ash. Several of the others let out gasps or yelps and I turn to find two dragons landing on the ice each bearing a rider. They slide onto the ice and Elysian stands eyes wide. They walk closer and they both bear some resemblance to Elysian. Turning back to her a large smile has spread across her face, a strangled cry escapes her before she is barreling at the two men wrapping an arm around both their necks. All three of them appear to be laughing and crying.

Balin looks shocked "Those are the two princes. Ranon and Attar." I nod slightly smiling softly at the reunion taking place "Elysian's brothers." the three pull apart and begin talking in a strange language that I don't recognize.

Elysian P/O/V:

I clutch my brothers tightly tears streaming down my face. Ranon has a hand on the back of my head while Attar has an arm wrapped around my waist. "I missed you both so much." Ranon grins "We missed you to Ell. We've been looking for you for so long." I chuckle pulling away to wipe my face. "Where did you end up?" they both shake their heads "Doesn't matter. We're together again." I nod examining both their faces "Neither of you have changed much." Attar snorts "Well one of us has, guess who finally found his soulmate." I beam turning to Ranon "Who is it? Are they nice? Do I know them?"

Attar grins "Oh you know them." Ranon shoves him in the arm "You shush, it's Aedion." I grin hugging him again tightly "Congratulations. Are mother and father okay?" they both nod "Both worried sick about you but other than that both fine." I nod and Attar looks over my shoulder "Are you going to introduce us to your friends?" I smile and turn looking at the dwarves and Bilbo who are all staring at us looking confused. "Come on." 

I lead them over a permanent smile now stuck on my face "Thorin and company these are my brothers Ranon and Attar Theron," I turn to my brothers "This is Thorin Oakenshiled, Bilbo Baggins, Dori, Nori, Ori, Bombur, Bofur, Bifur, Kili, Fili, Gloin, Oin, Dwalin and Balin." Attar laughs "That's a lot of names, pleasure to meet you all." Ranon nods eyeing Thorin warily. Balin smiles warmly "Its nice to meet you as well, and to see you safe princess." 

Fili and Kili's draws drop "Princess!?" I chuckle at their reaction and Kili scowls "Why didn't you tell us?" I shrug "It never came up." they continue to stare opened mouthed and Thorin clears his throat slightly "We should get down and see who survived. I need to talk with Bard and Thrandruil." I nod and walk to his side whistling Ash over "Care to go for a fly?" he smiles slightly gingerly climbing onto Ash's back. I summon my remaining energy and shift into a hawk flying next to him down to the battlefield below.

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