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After a lovely week away we return to the palace. Groaning I fall onto the bed curling up on the pillows while Thorin rubs my back gently "How you feeling love?" I smile slightly "Better than I did. It comes and goes." I sit up "I'm not going to be able to train or do any normal exercies." I pout making Thorin chuckle "At least at the end of it we will have two beautiful children." 

I nod leaning back into him "I know, we still need to tell people. Who should we tell first?" he shrugs "Your family I suppose as we are here. I think we should stay here as well, you should be around your friends and family during this. I can flit back and forth and put Dis in charge, unless you want to go back to Erebor?" I sigh "I haven't really thought about it, I would prefer to be here." 

He nods "Then you will be. You need to be comfortable." I turn my head so I can kiss his cheek "I love you." he smiles warmly "I love you too." 

The next day we walk into the throne room where my family have all gathered. "Elysian dear is everything all right." I nod gripping Thorin's hand gently "We have some news." My father looks concerned "Are you hurt?" I shake my head "No I'm expecting." he freezes my mother sweeping forward "Oh my first grand baby. Oh congratulations the both of you." I get pulled into a hug while shock morphs into happiness "Your pregnant?" I nod pulling away from mother so I can give him a hug "My baby is having a baby." I chuckle turning to hug both my brothers while my parents hug Thorin.

"How far along are you?" I move back to Thorins side "5 weeks." she nods "Oh this is wonderful. We will have to annoce this of course and you must tell everyone back at Erabor. Are you staying here or going back?" I smile slightly "I don't want to keep going back and forth. So we agreed I'd stay here for the majority of the pregnancy but I'm going back to Erabor for the first five months then be here for the last four and however long it takes to recover."

Rannon grins nudging Attar "We're going to be uncles." Attar grins
"Congrats Ell." I smile as Thorin wraps an arm around my middle "I'll send word to Erabor that we will be returning in a week." My mother claps her hands together "Oh there is so much to prepare. Names, a room, goodness there hasn't been a baby in the palace for years." 

I chuckle leaning into Thorin "I think I'm going to go and lye down." my mother rushes forward "Oh yes, you must get lots of rest and I'll get you a list of good foods to be eating. Drink lots of water, baths are good help you relax." Thorin chuckles "I'll make sure she gets lots of rest." 

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