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We've been riding for three weeks now and I have come to know the dwarves quite well. All except Thorin who keeps himself to himself. Bilbo has become a good friend and I have been telling the dwarfs stories in the evenings which they now are requesting nightly. 

We ride out of the trees and along a river for a while and Thorin growls "We'll cross here." I shake my head "That's not a good idea, the currents are strong here." he glares at me "Did I ask your opinion?" I sigh "It is not safe here Master dwarf the horses are maybe strong enough but the pony's are a lot smaller."

He glares at me "It's the only shallow spot we've passed in three hours, we cross here." I sigh and all the dwarves dismount fastening a rope around their waists and the pony's. Gandalf crosses easily enough and the dwarves begin to follow I wait on the bank to make sure they all get across safely. Fili and Kili are the last to cross. I hear a rope snap and jump down from Nala as Kili goes floating down the river pulled under by the currents.

"Kili." I scowl "Fili don't cut that rope." either he doesn't hear or he doesn't listen. He cuts his rope and floats after his brother fighting to keep his head above the water. I scowl and dive into the water willing the currents to do as I need them. I slow my breathing and let the currents carry me before spreading my fingers feeling the water start to bend to my will. It lifts me up and I use the currents to gain speed where I can see Fili and Kili. 

I move my hands and a wave lifts them up laying them down on the bank. I urge the wave I'm on to the bank and jump down. Fili and Kili run over and both wrap their arms around me. I stumble backwards and they both grin "Thank you." I nod slightly and they let go "You saved our lives." I shrug and sit down "Don't worry about it." I yawn and Nala trots over batting me with her nose. I tangle my hand in her main and lean against her and she pulls me up. 

Thorin P/O/V:

I hear a yelp and turn to see both my nephews floating downstream. I run forward but stop when I see Elysian dive into the water after them. We all watch silently waiting to see if they reappear. Elysian appears on top of a wave. She has her hands splayed as if she is controlling the water.

Two more waves appear lifting up Fili and Kili. The two of them lay on the bank on Elysian jumps down next to them. They both hug her and she smiles slightly before collapsing onto the floor. I run over and hug my nephews tightly. Elysian is standing but leaning heavily on her horse "Thank you." she smiles slightly "Thank you for saving my family."

She nods and smiles faintly "Your welcome." Fili and Kili look at her concerned "Are you alright?" she nods "Just tired, been a while since I've had to use magic like that." they both nod and the others run over. Gandalf places a hand on Elysian's forehead and whispers something under his breath. She visibly relaxes and Gandalf smiles "You just need some rest."

I nod slightly and Dwalin smiles "We'll camp here tonight." I nod in agreement "Get a fire going."  Elysian sits down heavily her horse laying down behind her. Bilbo walks over and she smiles warmly at him. Balin clears his throat loudly "Your staring at the lass." I scowl and turn away. He smiles slightly and walks over to Balin. I shake my head slightly and sit down beginning to sharpen my axe. 

I watch Elysian out of the corner of my eye as she accepts a bowl of food from Bofur. I think I trust her. She has definitely proved her self trust worthy. But there is still something that she is hiding and I have a feeling it has something to do with the tattoo on her wrist and the crystal she mentioned a while ago.

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