Captain Aedion

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Shifting back once more I roll my shoulders drawing two blades. The familiar gold and silver markings flash through the battling soldiers marking the captain. I move towards them hoping it is still Aedion. Dodging several arrows I manage to get to their side blasting out a wall of fire so I can talk to them for a minute. "Elysian?" I grin "Aedion. My brothers?" he smiles "Their alright, it's so good to see you again." I nod "Striker is here." he nods "I saw him sneak of, I don't know where he went"

I nod slightly glancing over at the frozen waterfall "I know where he will be." Aedion nods "Keep him alive." I nod and prepare to drop the shield "I'll find him. Their are innocent people in the ruins of Dale." he nods "I'll send some people over." I nod and grasp his hand tightly "See you soon." I drop my shield and start towards the waterfall.

Two shadows appear at the top. I recognize Striker instantly and work out the other is Azog. I spot Thorin, Fili, Kili and Dwalin all riding towards them and shift into a hawk following swiftly after them. They reach a rocky ledge dismounting their pigs and gathering in a semi-circle landing next to them I shift back before moving to Thorin's side. Fili grins "I thought shifting drained your magic?" I grin "The portal is open I can access my magic fully. Although I will sleep very well when this is all over."

Thorin looks out over the frozen water and Kili looks around "Where is he? It looks empty. I think Azog has fled." Thorin shakes his head slightly "I don't think so." he turns "Fili take your brother scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight, if you see something report back. Do not engage. Do you understand?"

They both nod and Dwalin scowls "We have company. Goblin mercinerys. No more than a hundred." Thorin walks forward "We'll take care of them. Go!" Fili and Kili run off hastily. I sigh a bad feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. "I'm going after them." Thorin nods slightly "Are you sure?" I nod "I don't like this at all and I saw Striker." he scowls "The man who attacked you home?" I frown and draw two long daggers leaving my sword at my side "Stay safe." he nods "You as well." 

Glancing back once more I run into the fog after Fili and Kili. I slow when I come to a worn staircase and stalk up the steps weapons raised and alert. Focusing my hearing I block out the battle below and focus on the tower following the sound of scuffing feet and heavy breathing. Someone moves behind me in the shadow causing me to hastily raise my daggers blocking their attack. The shadowy form of Striker appears, his mask has disappeared a sneer replacing it. "Long time no see, princess." I scowl "It's nice to see time hasn't changed you. Your still as ugly as the day I last saw you." 

He draws his sword back making another attempt aiming low this time. "When that idiot elf king told me he captured you I really got my hopes up. I am curious as to how you got out of those chains." A shudder runs through me at the thought causing him to grin "At least you came alone. Stupid girl. No one will hear you scream." Still grinning he advances again a ball of flame appearing in his left hand. "Any last words?" Taking a step back I focus on the heart of my magic drawing it into my daggers so they glow with heat "I was about to ask you the same question."

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