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The whole room quitens down suprisingly quickly everyone turning their attention to the four males on the table. I grip Thorins hand biting back a laugh "If we can face orcs we can face this." he laughs kissing my cheek "I love you." Fili starts "Ladies, Gentelmen, people of all races." Kili takes over "Welcome and thank you for attending this beautiful evening. We are here to celebrate the coming together of our two families. Aunty we welcome you with open arms." 

Attar grins "As tradition states at many of theses occasion you have to do speeches. So please sit back and enjoy." Ranon sighs "Instead of traditional speeches we have put together a small performance to show our joy." I glance over at Aedion who is shaking with silent laughter making me wonder what on earth is going to happen. 

Music starts up and the four of them start singing a rather interesting song about love, friendship and family including a few stories that they must got from other friends. Overall its actually very sweet and more embarresing for them. Everyone applouds when they finish laughing but in a nice way as they all take a bow. Attar grins "Thank you. Elysian, Thorin we wish you a long and happy marriage." Kili nods "We can't think of two people more suited for each other." Fili smiles "After so much loss and hardship it is excellent to see two people share so much love and happiness." finally Ranon steps forward "Elysian, Thorin we wish you all the happiness in the world and hope you spend the rest of your time together making each other laugh and smile," the four of them raise their glasses "To the bride and groom." everyone echoes the chant taking a drink. 

Giggling I turn to Thorin giving him a sweet kiss "To the rest of our lives." he chuckles "As long as I'm with you my dear I will be the happiest man alive." The four walk over and I give them all a hug "Thank you, that was lovely." Kili grins "Your welcome aunty." I chuckle ruffling his hair before turning back to my brothers "Ranon I believe it is time for you to ask Aedion to dance." he sighs glancing over at our parents "Ranon they will be fully supportive. The only thing mother will be mad about is how long you took to tell her. Now go." Attar gives him a shove and I take Thorins hand in mine "Dance?" he nods and we walk back out onto the floor.

After several more hours most people have retried for bed. I have no idea what time it is but the sun has risen outside. Thorin and I are finally able to leave and walk lazily back to our room hand in hand "I love you Mrs Oakenshield." I grin "I love you too dear husband." Sitting on the edge of our bed I start plaiting his hair adding a marriage braid behind his hair then he does the same to me kissing me sweetly. "I couldn't be happier to call you mine." I chuckle nuzzling into his chest "And your mine."

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