Gandalf the grey

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(Time ship to the hobbit story line)

Slowly I trudge through the water logged streets of Bree my horse Nala walking next to me. The inn comes into view and I lead her to the stables taking of her saddle and my belongings before walking inside to the counter. The man smiles warmly "What can I do for you sir?" I smile under my hood " One room for one night, food for myself and my horse." He bows his head "My apologises miss, that can be arranged." He hands me a key and smiles "Room number seven is free."

I place a bag of coins on the counter and bow my head slightly "Thank you." I walk swiftly up The stairs and into room seven locking the door behind me. I push back my hood and roll my shoulders and neck stretching. I catch my reflection in a nearby mirror and grimace I defiantly need a wash. I fill up a bowl with water and warm it with magic before scrubbing all the dirt and grime from myself.

Changing into something clean I pull my cloak back on and tie a sword around my waist. Pulling my hood back up I walk back into the noise of the inn below. I slip into a seat in a secluded corner and a young women places a plate and tankerd in front of me. "I'll have the same please." An elderly man in grey sits opposite me and I start eating "it's good to see you again old friend." Gandalf smiles "You as well my dear."

The women returns placing Gandalfs food in front of him. "Thank you." I smile slightly "Why did you call me here Gandalf?" He smiles "I'm organising a small quest and would like you to join." I chuckle "What is this quest?" He grins and starts eating " Well I'm not the one to tell you but there is a meeting in two days in the shire. I'll leave a sign as to where it is though I doubt you'll need it."

I smile and take a long drink "What are you up to this tome?" He shrugs "I think it would do you good to come." I sigh and lean back in my chair "Well I have nothing better to do." he stands "Then I will see you in two days." He bows his head and disappears out the door leaving me to pay.

I finish my food and lean back examining the others in the room. All of them human, smiling and happy. I leave some coins on the table and walk back upstairs wondering what on earth Gandalf is planning this time.

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