Stone giants

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(time skip two days)

I hug Saeya tightly and adjust my pack on my back "We'll see each other again soon." she nods "I'm counting on it." I smile and give her one last hug before following the dwarves and Bilbo away from Rivendell. We walk for hours before reaching a rocky cliff as it becomes dark and pours down with rain. I give up trying to control it and let it fall in icy sheets around us. Luckily my cloak keeps out most of the rain. 

We continue along a narrow outcrop of rock pebbles scattering over the side. Bilbo stumbles and I grab his arm pushing him back against the wall. He is very pale but manages a weak smile. The wall we are on shifts and I scowl keeping a tight grip on Bilbo "We need to move now!" the dwarves start moving faster as the whole wall shifts splitting into two revealing the legs of a giant, I scowl "Stone Giants, we need to find shelter immediately." the dwarves must hear as they start moving faster jumping across the gaps. 

One of them falls and I grab him by the coat pulling him back up "Are you alright?" the dwarf I now recognize as Bofur nods shakily "I'm fine." we continue on narrowly dodging the boulders that are being thrown around. One hits dangerously close to my head so I duck down so I am a similar height to the dwarves. More boulders are flung and shards of rock start to fall towards us. I deflect as many as possible with my magic so that they fall around us. The ledge we are on separates into two and I scowl we are on a giants leg. 

It moves back over to the others and three of the dwarves manage to jump over leaving me and Bilbo. I grab his shoulder and wait for the giant to move his leg back over before shoving him over the gap and into the arms of the waiting dwarves. Before I can jump the giant shifts and moves away. I grab onto an outcrop of rock so I don't fall and scowl knowing that I will have to shift. The giant gets a boulder to the head and I shift just as it begins to fall. I close my eyes and shift into a falcon flying over to where the dwarves are all standing motioning for them to keep moving.

 We make it to a cave and I land by the entrance shaking the worst of the water from my feathers before shifting back and pushing my wet hair out of my face. I run my fingers through my hair trying to get loosen the knots. Scowling I send a small current through it causing it to fall in silky waves around my head. I sigh and lean against the cave wall gripping my bow tightly in one hand. The others either sit or lay down on the cave floor obviously exhausted from running and jumping. Bilbo walks over and sits down next to me "Are you alright?" I nod and smile "Are you?" he nods and Bofur hands me a bowl of food "Thanks." 

He smiles "Thanks for saving me lass." I nod "Of course." he grins and walks away. I eat slowly finishing the whole bowl thanks to shifting. Thorin and Balin are whispering in a corner but I can't hear them over the raging weather. I leave the empty bowl on the floor and stare out across the ravine in-front of us. The others fall asleep on the ground and I keep watch with Bofur. 

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