Beauty in innocence

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 I edited this part along with adding material to it. I hope you enjoy. 

Mature 18+

Mature 18+

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"Jenna, come on it's time for you to get up!" My mother chimed out through the thick door.

I whined inwardly knowing another day needed to begin while I just want to bury my head within the blankets for a while more. Let me introduce myself, I am Jenna, I am the daughter of the Alpha of the Mountain Moon Pack. We are peaceful unless others try and harm us then our diligent and rigorous training shows clearly. I am currently seventeen, well for another week that is, and I am the only child of my father so clearly, I will have big shoes to fill when he decides to step down. Yay me! I thought.

I do hope when my eighteenth birthday arrives, I will find my mate, yes, I know some she-wolves long to explore the world. Personally, I long for love and to have someone who will cherish me more than anything in my world. To have a mate who I can call my own and cherish seems trivial for some but for me it holds so much more meaning. Alright, I am hoping my best friend Brent is my true mate. We grew up together and I love him so very much and not like a brother mind you...I think he feels the same way as well or so I hope. The feelings I get while I am around him are anything but brotherly, as I bite my lip as improper images of Brent stream through my thoughts. I know I have school this morning, but when I finally muddled around and crawled into bed my mind was wrapped around Brent as I snuggled into my bedding, well that was until...

As streams of light began shining through my window illuminating the blues within my curtains, I knew the day had begun. Well mind you of course I could not ignore my mother's pleas pulling me from my thoughts. I know today will be like any other day...forget that. I pulled my pillow back over my head hoping to fall into blissful sleep, but that isn't what I get. My dreams won't stop, my breathing is ragged as those eyes haunt my dreams and behind my lids always linger. The black glistening orbs encompassed in a blood red ring just outside of the iris's hold so much desire, passion and hate but most of all one of murderous intent. They have always confused me. What one of those feelings are held while peering at me? I could melt into them regardless of the darkness surrounding them, a feeling of murderous intent thick and almost palatable. Could he be my one and only? My mate? Or the one who seeks my utter demise, my mind all over the place seeing the conflicting emotions within those eyes. I know I wish they were the eyes of my mate as I lay here in bed wishing sleep would find me once more.

My mother's voice chiming out pulled me from my thoughts once more.

"Jenna, get up now or you will be late for school!" She grumbled out.

"Mom...I'm sleeping. I don't want to go to school today, I can miss one day. I am sick of dealing with being looked at as a piece of meat!" I growled out.

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