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          I could feel my mate trembling within my grasp, his Lycan wanted out

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          I could feel my mate trembling within my grasp, his Lycan wanted out. I let my Lycan talk to his through our link trying to calm his Lycan. I walked up to him standing between his legs as he sat on the stool. His eyes were blazing red like shining ruby's , his Lycan hadn't surfaced yet, not that it  didn't want to force a shift. I wrapped my arms around him knowing he was struggling to keep control over his Lycan which was not an easy feat. As I wrapped around him a deep growl emerged from deep within him trembled from his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, claws extending grasping onto my clothes. I knew Cliff was controlling it but his Lycan must have felt it needed at least have some form of defense while I was in his arms. I am guessing it made him feel he could protect me faster if needed. He knew he didn't need it with my other mates, but the thoughts running through his Lycan's mind was I was with child. Protection was always needed. I smiled up at him as I kissed his lips softly. His arms cinched me tighter to himself, as I could hear my Lycan whining to his.

      "So, we have our plans, everyone knows where they are to be for the attack and points of entry. We have five hours before we head out to complete this invasion. Jenna I would prefer you remained behind, but I also know you will not allow that. I know you would find a way to get out and come to the fight along with finding a way to get to the Alpha. Two of us will remain with you as the other two go and secure the Alpha, when he is secured then we will have you brought into him. Is that acceptable with you. You are with child we will not risk either of you." John said.

      "I will remain with her, Brent can remain with and Damien should secure the Alpha, unless you want me and Damien too. I always want one of us with her without question. From old sayings a female werewolf should not shift into her wolf form while they are pregnant. She will be able to go into her Lycan but will not chance her having to run. She will lay on me as I offence to any of you. John you saw my wolf before my Lycan, now I have a feeling my size has greatly changed...I feel it. My color has shifted as well. I want this Alpha taken off guard, we will let our mate have what she desires but safely." Cliff demanded.

       Everyone nodded as we all began getting the things needed together for the trip. Damien kept close to me, as Sebastian and Christina and Nathaniel and Natasha remained close as well. Did he ask them to watch over me? I noticed the expressions they all had on their faces, ones of confusion and disbelief. I am guessing they had a hard time believing I mated with Damien not to mention that Damien marked me. Damien let a low growl from his lips towards his family's gaze as he walked to me pulling me into his arms in a protective manner. Their eyes grew wide realizing what he had said was true...he had taken me as his mate. Slowly they all stood up walking towards Damien, Cliff, and me. I am not sure if they know about Cliff, they needed to be careful. I liked Damien telling him they needed to go slow, I don't know how Cliff would react with them approaching me.

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