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      Taking a deep breath as I stepped foot back in the mountains of Colorado, we had landed at COS airport

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      Taking a deep breath as I stepped foot back in the mountains of Colorado, we had landed at COS airport. I knew we still had about a forty-minute drive until we reached our pack lands. I wonder if Brent lead everyone back to Moon Mountain pack lands. Were they just living like they had before, just missing members of it? I remembered what Steph had told me about the bodies of our warriors being around, I hope Brent cleaned things up before bringing the elders and children back to the camp. We would have to plan a large funeral for our fallen. I looked over to my mate, he had been listening to my thoughts. He nodded to me knowing we needed to do this funeral for all the fallen even though he is the reason one needs to be held in the first place. I sighed knowing this fact...I felt it was a slap in the face to our fallen me being with the one who caused it. I never want to disrespect my pack, but this was foretold, and it was meant to come to pass. I walked down the steps of the plane noticing a large black SUV waiting for us...a werewolf stood waiting for us. I am guessing he was our driver. The warriors and Cliff and my father all stepped from the plane loading up into different vehicles. I took a deep breath knowing this could all go unbelievably bad when Brent saw Johnathan and his mark on my neck. He would be able to smell his and my scent mixed, he would know we are mated.

   The idea of Brent and Johnathan being in close proximity to each other has me very nervous, would they be able to be civil to each other...No! I knew this could turn all out worse than a werewolf war...I know Johnathan is possessive of me, and I know Brent feels the same way. If Brent is indeed a Lycan, I wonder if he has shifted to his Lycan form yet. If not, he would be outmatched against Johnathan. How I was going to control this situation I am not sure yet. Johnathan looked at me knowingly, he raised his eyebrow at me as if he were questioning me...as if asking  where my loyalty lies? He couldn't think I would choose between them...I can't, I won't. Even though my heart and soul and all stands with him, yes, I mean Johnathan. I can't deny my best friend either, or on top of it I am mated to him as well. I shook my head not knowing what to do. I looked at Johnathan with loving eyes, yet I wonder if the fear showed in my eyes.

    "Little mate, I will not kill him if that will help resolve your fears. I cannot say I won't hurt him badly for mating my mate. We will work this out, you and I both know him, and I are going to have it out if we are both to stand at your side. If he is truly a Lycan that is. If not, then we can throw away the concerns about the prophecy. I promise you I will not take his life, regardless how much I want to." He told me.

    I let out a heavy sigh, I didn't want Brent hurt...I feel his pain and such. Could they control themselves? The age-old thing, males fighting over a female, but why do I have to be that female? I shrugged to myself.

    "You must remain at our mates' side!" Lacey spoke.

  "Yes, but I don't want Brent hurt either...he was my first mate." I told her.

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