Primal Within

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   My heart broke as those words slipped from his lips, I knew this was the man I had grown up with and my heart felt I belonged to him

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   My heart broke as those words slipped from his lips, I knew this was the man I had grown up with and my heart felt I belonged to him. I buried my face into his chest as I began to hear a weird vicious growl rumbling within it. I wondered if whatever it was, was a deep part of his wolf that we are unaware of. I had heard stories of wolves going wild almost feral, but to onlookers it would look as if they had gone insane, claiming, and taking females within their path. Could it be something built within every single one of us I wondered.

   I knew this was something I would have to find answers too, I wondered if there were any books which would explain what happened. Perhaps my father had heard stories of such a thing happening in the past, I didn't know but I had to find out.

   I know my dad's library has many books about lore and prophecies that may or may not come to pass. I wanted to delve into those books to see if I could find answers about what is happening to Brent. Could this be something bigger than we think? I know an easy answer would be too simple especially in our situation, that would be futile considering I felt something within myself building as well. Could his old dusty books hold the answers I am looking for? My dad had been collecting these books his whole life. I remember him telling me some of them were passed down to him form my grandfather, but my dad had a passion for reading and learning. Could my dad hold the answers to everything somewhere within the walls lined with books? Realizing my mind wandered off once again my attention was brought back to the current situation. 

   "I will bring Brent home and I will keep him under lock and key until we know he is alright. I am so deeply sorry about this Jenna, that is not the son I raised. He loves you so much, this just baffles me beyond belief to believe my son would do this." Chad spoke.

   I nodded to Chad while I was still wrapped within Brent's arms, I looked up to Brent to see him gazing at me with love, but there was a spark of something else there. I tilted my head not understanding what it may be. I reached up running my fingers though his hair as I  grasped a hand full of his hair pulling his face down to my own, running my tongue across the wounds on his face as they healed immediately. He gave me a small smile and a gentle kiss, as he turned to walk to his father who grasped his arm viciously.

   "I am in love with you Brent, please always remember that." I spoke as my voice cracked.

   I knew there was something, even though it seemed he had lost all grasp onto reality in those moments. He didn't remember, yet even though it made me fear him, it sent my system into a frenzy of emotions and passion and want build to a point I could not understand. It was almost as if I couldn't breathe without him, I wanted him to claim me, but I feared his actions. I do so love when he is dominant but that was on a whole other scale, a scale that seemed to go way beyond anything I have ever seen between wolves.

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