My true mate?

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     I felt warm feeling arms tight around me, the scent overwhelming

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     I felt warm feeling arms tight around me, the scent overwhelming. It was of the purest rain, and once again cloves. I wondered why I had never noticed his scent before, I looked up to his face. Cliff was sleeping soundly, so peaceful and content. As I inhaled his scent, I felt my whole-body tingle as his scent filled me. Why didn't this happen with Johnathan? 

   I don't understand I thought Cliff was just going to help them, I scanned him down to his mouth gaped noticing I marked him. The mark was totally different than what was on Johnathan and Brent. I tried to stretch and pulled slightly from his chest as a vicious growl ripped from his chest. I could feel the growl radiate through my flesh and within, how is this possible? 

   I felt pain surging through my neck as I reached up brushing my fingertips over my neck, I felt it. I was marked, the bite felt strange it was raised more than Jonathan's and Brent's. It held an extreme Alpha energy from it, not the normal Johnathan type, but something stronger more ancient.

    I didn't understand what was going on, I don't recall what happened. I didn't even know Cliff and I had been together, I remembered nothing. Could my Lycan have blocked me out fully? Now I wondered how could I get up to go to the bathroom?

    I began to try and wiggle out of Cliff's grip as his eyes snapped open, peering into mine. The energy from his gaze seemed to seize everything in me as a surge shot through me, sending pleasure coursing through me. I tilted my head as he seemed to know what happened last night, where I did not.

     "What happened last night?" I asked.

    "What was meant to happen all along my love. You were always meant for me, where others got to you first. I will not deny I am not pleased by that, but I understand. I was unaware of it myself until last night. I am a Lycan...or should I say the main Lycan outside of you. When  you charged me, I shifted last night,  we tussled then you marked me. Well, everything went from there...I had to have what is mine, my mate. You are just that, MINE! Your heat has stopped hasn't it my sweet?" He asked.

    My eyes grew wide realizing he was right; the heat was gone. How? Now my confusion felt to have grown even more now. So many things that I am not understanding.

     "How did it stop?" I asked.

     "You were with your true mate, love. Your heat can be calmed but will flair back up until the time is past. Unless your true mate claims you and I did claim you and I filled you. There is one more little thing my sweet. Your heat would have only stopped if you conceive, which the others could not have done. Only your true mate could impregnate you." He answered.

   I felt my heart jump to my throat, was he saying I am pregnant? There's no there? I looked at my stomach then back up to his eyes, concern written on my face. A soft grin crossed his face as he pulled me closer to him. The feeling of him was unlike Johnathan and Brent. This was totally different, a contentment I have never felt before surged through me along with feeling protected.

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