Pack Attack

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     As the normal sounds of the woods remained unchanged, I decided I would try and contact Steph to find out what is happening in the school and to find out what happened to our pack

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     As the normal sounds of the woods remained unchanged, I decided I would try and contact Steph to find out what is happening in the school and to find out what happened to our pack.

   "Steph?!" I pleaded through the link.

   "Oh goddess, Jenna is that you? Really and truly you? I didn't know what happened to you...I was afraid and I feared the worst." She spoke as she began to cry.

  "I am ok, I heard you in the school last night, what is going on in there now? Is that Alpha in there?" I questioned.

   "No, he questioned everyone...there were some that seemed like they knew something but wouldn't spill. The Alpha was furious and there were two males who he said had your scent on them. The Alpha was furious! He attacked them and beat them bloody, but they still wouldn't talk. So, he stormed out, but I did overhear him telling his men he though you got by the perimeter of the school. I believe they are searching the pack lands for you now. You made some good friends here; I have missed you so much." Steph confided.

   My heart felt a bit more at ease yet at the same time it was heavy knowing that my friends had been beaten because of this crazed Alpha, and because of me. Since I knew they had left I crawled out of the cave carefully knowing that I could be caught if someone was still lingering around. As I noticed no one I let Lacey take control and shifted as I take off running back through the woods towards the gym door. There was a way I could get from there to my room without being really seen. I so hoped the gym door was unlocked, or I could be doomed before I even got back inside.

     As Lacey reached the gym door she shifted, I stood up and reached for the door handle. As I grasped the cold medal handle, the door flung open. I stumbled back as fear racked over me thinking I had been caught, I landed on the grass with my eyes bulging. Mr. Daniels stood there in the doorway as a small squeal burst from behind him. I noticed someone push by him as Steph stood before me with some clothes for me in hand. Tears broke from my eyes as I felt like someone was crushing my chest, one of my best friends were alive and here with me. 

   Well things were starting to look up, I got to my knees and I bent down letting my head fall into the grass. Tears exploding from me, as I felt a small piece of my life come back to me, but I wanted the rest of it. Call me selfish if you want but I needed the rest too, my parents, my mate all those I love. Steph came to my side pulling me into a hug kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back. She whispered in my ear that I was no longer alone. She has no idea how much that simple statement brought comfort to me. She began pulling the shirt over my head, I slid into the clothes she had brought to me, as I stood up.

 "Thank you so much Mr. Daniels, not only for letting me in, but bringing my very best friend to me." I broke out.

    Mr. Daniels nodded baring his neck, as a smile crossed his face. I knew this man would cover for me no matter what now. I took a deep breath and linked Steph asking her if they gave her a room yet. She told me they put her at the other end of the hall my room was off. I felt a slight bit of relief so if I went to her room, and they searched mine they wouldn't find me. We began walking up the stairs, I am thankful there was one at the end of the hallway on her side.

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