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   With his words Crystal and I both felt a surge of rage flowing through me, I want his head and in front of all of his pack

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   With his words Crystal and I both felt a surge of rage flowing through me, I want his head and in front of all of his pack. This werewolf is a disgrace and in no way shape or form an Alpha. He is a tyrant, and, in all honesty, he is making my drive to rid the world of werewolves like him grow in massive magnitudes. As I dragged him down the long hallway to the front door of his pack, I looked him dead in the eyes as rage filled them.

   "Call your pack to assemble here...Now!" I demanded.

   "No...I will not!" He gargled out as I squeezed tighter onto his throat.

   I knew if he demanded on being difficult, we would assemble everyone ourselves. These poor werewolves needed to be saved from this imposter of an Alpha, their suffering needed to end. My mates stepped closer to me incase this werewolf tried anything, I will admit he did try to grab at my hand and claw me as I laughed out at him.

   "I suggest you stop trying to harm me or you shall find out what I am capable of!" I growled out.

   " have no right to interfere with me or my pack!" He snapped.

   "You called for our help; well, I see it is the pack that needs help...along with you to be punished for your actions!" I snarled out.

   His eyes grew wide realizing that he had truly messed up in how he addressed me and spoke to me. He began to struggle to be released as I tightened my grip further my claws already sinking over an inch into his flesh. I grinned as I saw his blood flowing steadily from the wounds as his blood covered my claws. I could smell his fear, yet he held onto his arrogance. I linked our warriors who accompanied us as they gathered below the stairs of the house.

   "I want everyone from this pack gathered here within the next ten minutes...move!" I commanded.

   "Yes, our Queen we shall do that right this moment." The warrior spoke out.

   They all spread out as I watched them, they went door to door instructing everyone to gather in front of me. I saw elderly werewolves stepping out of their homes, their clothes in rags as they were dirty and torn. The wolves' bones showing prominently all over their bodies, I felt my stomach lurch at the mere thought of these poor wolves not eating anything in who knows how long. I noticed a few warriors walking towards me, their expressions were one of horror and disgust.

   "My Queen, there are many who are so bad we do not think they will be able to walk. We will carry them here along with would you like some of us to go get them some food my Queen?" He asked.

Fallen Innocence ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now