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 ***MATURE***18 +

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 ***MATURE***18 +

~Contains aggressive, forceful sexual content. 

      Brent brought his snout down to the side of my neck inhaling deeply as a deep growl escaped between his teeth. He stepped over me taking my scruff in his teeth pulling me deeper into the woods, a whimper left my lips knowing he was in total control. The feeling surged through me making me want him more than I had already, more than anything else. I needed him, only him I had to be his. We had a small shack on the pack lands incase something happened we could go there if we were tired, to rest. I saw it come into view knowing where he was taking me, suddenly his deep snarling voice told me to shift. I knew if I shifted in the position I was in, I would be on hands and knees, kind of a precarious position in this situation.

    I felt the surge of dominance come from Brent making me obey his words, shifting back to my human form. I went to stand up as I felt his hands grab ahold of me, he had shifted so fast I hadn't even heard it. As his arms wrapped around me pulling me into his hard chest, a squeak escaped from my lips, as I heard a very deep dark chuckle from him. He was enjoying hearing the little noises escaping from me.

   He reached the handle of the door as he lifted me off the ground carrying me into the small building, setting me down on the bed which was against the far wall. Turning and closing and locking the door then turning back to face me with an unreadable expression on his face. It was as if what had a hold on him before had an even tighter hold now, he was totally primal...he even seemed larger than normal, his eyes wild. I felt everything in me reaching out to him, wanting him touching me. He walked to where I was sitting on the large bed as I tried to reach for a blanket to pull it over my naked skin. 

   A deep sadistic chuckle came from him as if he were finding me trying to cover amusing. He grabbed ahold of the blanket and tore it from my grip throwing it to the other side of the room as he tilted his head burying his face against my throat. He was pushing me flat onto my back as he kept his head against the small of my neck as I heard that same growl deep within him begging to be fully released. My eyes were wide looking at him as I felt myself losing all form of control over my body, I needed him, wanted him...the feeling of him against me made me whine out in want.

"Brent, I..." I tried to speak.

   His lips crushed into mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth twisting with my own tongue...claiming it as his own. I felt the surge flowing through me stronger than I have felt anything in this world, it was like everything else wasn't real. Only this was, just his touch, my feelings and his. I ran my hand along the side of his face until I reached his hair grasping a hand full pulling him into me harder. A low rumble escaped his lips into my mouth as I let out one of my own, a low growl feeling him push his body down onto mine. I could feel every naked inch of him against me. Feeling like for the first time I was breathing and felt like nothing else was real. I broke the kiss taking a deep breath as I could smell his arousal and mine, mingling as one. 

Fallen Innocence ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now