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     Well one of my best friends just claimed my mate, and marked her, as she did him

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     Well one of my best friends just claimed my mate, and marked her, as she did him. There must have been something there we were unaware of. She lost herself totally in him, let herself just be anything he wanted. It was amazing to watch actually...she seemed as if it was meant. I looked over at my mate seeing the mark Damien left on her...his teeth had gone in deep. It was red around the area he fed from, soon to be healed baring his mark for all to see. It didn't bother me, I could tell there was something else there other than mere attraction, same with Cliff. 

   It made me start wondering if there was something else in the book we didn't see. Perhaps something that would have told us about them being involved as well. I wondered and knew I would check it out when we arrived back home. Knowing how possessive vampires are of the ones they claim as their own did have me concerned in the fact of if he would let her out of his sight. It is very possible he would remain at the pack with us, I don't know if her now being his also he could leave her. I didn't have a problem with it, he was one of my best friends regardless of him being a vampire.

   Brent still seemed shocked he marked our mate, and she marked him. I explained that something else must have been there...Damien basically claimed her as his...typically when that happens though they become their wife. So, I guess in a way our mate, gained a husband as well as mates. I know it should upset me, but it doesn't. I know he would give his life to protect her at all costs. 

  I looked over to the bed to see Damien totally wrapped around Jenna, he had her encased within his arms protectively. There are two times you never go near a vampire, one is going near their blood bound mate, and if he is engaged in pleasing his mate. He will kill you without a thought...friends or not. He will lose his control because his primitive violent nature will out rule logic thinking. Protecting their mate is all that matters. Brent looked at me like I had lost my mind, his brows furrowed as he squinted his eyes as if he were thinking hard.

    "So, what does this mean, our mate has taken a vampire as a mate as well?" I thought we didn't cross those lines, well never that I had ever heard of. A vampire and a werewolf-Lycan kind of unheard of." He said in a questioning way.

    I shrugged my shoulders not knowing the answer...I wonder if that book, we had saw the prophecy in gave any other heads up we missed. How this would work I am not sure to be honest...I would not let my mate leave with Damien. Would Damien stay on pack land or come from time to time? I know Maine isn't that far from Upstate N.Y. yet never figured I would have vampires hanging around. He was a great guy, and I must admit I have never seen him smile. Not once! If he decided to stay on pack lands, I am not sure how the pack would handle that. 

   We are not accustomed to working with others, let alone letting what history calls our enemies. Brent let out a sign and crashed in the plush chair that sat in the corner of the room. We have a fireplace in our bedroom also so I figured I would light a fire to keep us all warm, well except for Damien. Nothing can help him. I laughed to myself. I went to the fireplace and bent down taking the paper and logs and positioning everything perfectly and set it to blaze. The crackling of the wood igniting soothed the room, I heard a noise coming from the bed area. I turned my head to see if Jenna had woken up needing more. I noticed her head slowly turn looking at me locking my gaze. I knew she wanted; I also knew if Damien was asleep, he was not going to let his grasp waiver.

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