Confession ~REVISED

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Taking me totally off guard soft hot lips slamming into my own, a silent cry escaping from me as I longed to hold this beast for the rest of my life. My arousal bursting forth as our scents swirled through the air pleading to merge as one as he held me tighter to his hard body. 

Passion overwhelming my senses as I clung to him with sheer verbosity not wanting to release him ever again. Abruptly he pulled his lips from my own as I cried out in protest tugging on his long hair trying to pull him to me once more.

"Please, I need to know how you feel Jenna. I think I have made mine very clear." He spoke with full disclosure.

His hands caressed my hips as he peered deep within my eyes, biting my lip wanting to spill every thought and emotion I had for him in this very moment. How could I express how much he means to me, I wondered?

"You mean more than you could ever imagine to me Brent, you are my weakness, my hope, my forever, and most of love." I confessed even shocking myself.

His eyes grew wide hearing my confession as an emotion surged over him which I could not distinguish. There was something there and it wasn't him or his wolf Zac. Confusion now gripped me as uncertainty washed over me not sure how my words had truly impacted Brent. Did he expect me to deny any and all of my feelings I have for him? 

A low growl emerged from him as his grip became demandingly tighter as he dropped his head as his face brushed against mine as it slid down it falling to my neck as his hot breath fanned over the spot where my mark from my mate would reside.

A shiver shot down my spine as his warm breath caressed over me, passion and desire igniting further as I had to fight against taking him in this very field. My breathing became ragged as I felt his heart slamming against his chest as he pressed against me.

"I had always hoped you would feel as I did. I never expected you to be forthright as you just have been. You are my Jenna, the one I wish to have as my mate. Regardless of whether you are my true mate, I desire you! I know within three days we both will know if we are true mates..." He spoke as it broke off as a growl grew within him.

The growl surprised me as I wondered what was wrong. He began telling me how he felt and now it is cut off with a vicious growl. Confusion swirling within my mind as I don't understand why he sounds upset now. He lifted his head as his gaze locked with mine. 

Something was there and it wasn't the man I so adored, nor was it Zac who held a part of my heart as well...this is something fierce, aggressive and something that only could be described as primal. A surge of uncertainty washed over me as something within myself as it clawed to come forward.

A growl rose from my throat shocking me as I knew it was not me or Lacey it came from. What is going on? The growl which resonated from me seemed to be answered by the true beast which peered into my eyes locking me in place. 

The heat from his body seemed to rise as it crushed against me harder. Something overcoming me demanded release, yet I don't know what. A twinge of fear rose within me as I was not sure what was happening as I began to become hotter, as beads of sweat beaded on my forehead.

"You're Mine, mate." It growled from him.

Shock took hold of me as his words impacted me in different ways, it sent a surge of thrill, fear, and desire through me, yet it wasn't Brent who spoke to them...who? My mind was trying to form cognitive thought, yet it was hazed in intense lust which now built between us. 

Lacey began to growl as if something was invading from within and coming forth for the first time. Feeling Lacey's fear and rage that our true mate is waiting, and I am within the arms of Brent infuriates her beyond words. 

Brent lowered his head once more as it sank into the crook of my neck as he sniffed deeply as a primal, vicious growl resonated from him vibrating against my chest. My breath quickened as a pull felt as though it was dragging me within Brent himself. Something almost indescribable surged to life fiercer than anything I have ever experienced.

"Mine!" It growled out low, exploding from my own lips.

Shock took hold of me as my eyes widened. I could feel Brent's face buried deep within my neck as his tongue ran across my hot flesh in the crook of my neck. It sent shivers up my spine as I longed for him to mark me as I clung to him harder wanting to feel every inch of his body against my own. 

His fangs now scraping across my pale flesh in a teasing fashion, all time fleeting from me as the world around me seemed to melt away. Pressing my face against his hard chest his scent filling me, quenching a thirst I never knew I had and never to this magnitude.

I felt a surge of panic as my mind went to the reality of if we met our true mate, heartbreak would come for us both if I allowed this to continue.

"Brent, what if we are not true mates and then one of us meets the one we are meant to be with? It will break our hearts if we let this continue before our birthday where we will know for sure." I trembled out hating myself for straying from the sheer passion I felt.

"No!" He growled out dangerously, threat clear in his voice.

"What?" Seriously, what if you meet your true mate and it is not me...then it will break us both Brent." I spoke as regret hit me.

"I will dispatch her! You're my mate!" The fierce voice growled out with certainty.

Shock and disgust washed over me realizing this was not Zac or Brent, so who was it...or a better question is what? Fear rose within me realizing he would kill his true mate if I was not her.

"I want all main pack members to assemble in front of my house, now!" My father's voice boomed through the pack link.

Not even realizing it I was thankful for the interruption, halting the course of where this was about to go. I felt I was about to be claimed despite any resistance I may have put up against him. He broke from me looking down as pure rage filled his face from the interruption.

"We are not done, mate!" The possessive, fierce voice growled out.

I nodded to him knowing this was not the moment to defy or challenge him. Something told me to relent to his demand. Taking my hand, he began to lead us back towards my house as I wondered what could be happening that my father would demand us to come to his house. Was it the pack that wanted to attack us...were they coming?

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