Conflict In the South

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Love you all ~ Jenn

Love you all ~ Jenn

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   Climbing on the plane I knew it would be a bit before we arrived at where the problem is happening. I never even knew there were vampires all over the place, I thought they were primarily towards the northern states...just shows what I know. I guess I am naïve on many things in the world considering I never went places or explored, I lived on our pack lands, yet I was extremely happy at the same time. I never craved for the human world or anything else for that matter outside of my mate/s that is.  

   I cuddled to Cliff as he wrapped his arm around me as I looked around to see the Valic's discussing what they should do regarding the pack and the clan which were having the problem. I felt myself drifting off to sleep when I felt the plane shake a bit which startled me eyes sprang open as they darted around looking for a threat. My mates just chuckled knowing I had been scared awake and I was ready to burn it all down. Thankfully I calmed or I may have burnt the plane clear out of the sky with us right along with it.

   Johnathan raised his eyebrow as he looked at me knowing I was close to reacting without even thinking he shook his head and smiled.

   "Everything is fine little mate, your safe. No need to torch everything...yes we can't be harmed unless you yourself parish, but I do not think a werewolf or Lycan can fly...without the plane." He laughed out as he grinned at me.

    I shook my head at him knowing he was trying to calm me down, but did he have to be such an ass. I laughed to myself knowing I loved him so much, but he really liked to rub things in at times. Everyone else just grinned knowing that Johnathan was being a smart ass but didn't say anything about it. Cliff held me tighter to him as sparks surged through my skin as I was pulled tighter against him, a sense of calming started to course through me.

    I so love this feeling; how could anything be better than feeling at total bliss and contentment along with feeling as if you are in the safest place on earth. In the arms of one of your mates, it truly is a gift. I took a few deep breaths as my mate's scents filled the cabin of the plane their scent filling my lungs as I felt a tingling coursing from within soothing everything. I let out a sigh of contentment as my mates smiled realizing what I had done.

   "Are you alright my pet?" Damien asked through our link.

   "Yes, I just got scared when that bump happened. All your scents are calming me down, I am concerned what is going to happen when we arrive there. Am I expected to do anything?" I asked through our link.

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