Breathless ~REVISED

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Brent's grip became forceful, hot as my body pressed to his as pure desire and need gripped us both with an intense hold. I moaned against his lips as he nipped my bottom one, sucking it within his mouth. I opened my lips slightly at his silent request. His tongue slid deep within my mouth coiling around mine as my hands slid up into his hair as I gripped it tightly pulling him closer to me.

 Totally forgetting what either of us were doing or where we were, only passion driving us forward he began to growl low into our kiss. His possessiveness was clear, his dominance undeniable as my body pleaded for his ever caress.

"Well, it seems the two of you have grown very close over the years, haven't you?" An elderly she-wolf voice chimed out full of amusement.

Reality came crashing back down upon me as her voice filled the air, breaking us apart from one another. Our heads turned to her seeing her amusement. My cheeks becoming flushed as I snickered and lowered my face towards the ground as sheer embarrassment washed over me.

"I guess you could say that Ms. Maggy, she is what I desire. I am sorry you witnessed that; we should have been more considerate of you. I am sorry." He spoke out as his own cheeks were bright red.

Fully releasing me he quickly returned to completing stacking the wood onto the pile and assuring she had enough within her home for a few nights as I stepped to her still blushing.

"Ms. Maggy, we are going to be having a bonfire, potluck dinner in two days. I was hoping you could help spread the word for me. Everyone should bring a dish of food because we will all be eating down by the bonfire then enjoying the roaring flames all together. Will you help me?" I asked her with a hopeful expression.

"I think that is a wonderful idea, especially with all of the worry and concern now with curfews. Has your father approved this, Jenna?" She asked, full of concern.

I nodded to her as her smile grew.

"I will begin spreading the word to all the she-wolves. We are meeting up this morning for tea and coffee while the pups play. Thank you so much for giving us something to focus on Jenna." She smiled sweetly.

Brent stepped from her home as his eyes locked on mine. Nodding his head to Ms. Maggy he walked swiftly towards me, determination written on his face, his fierceness evident. I took a deep breath as his gaze locked with mine full of longing and desire. Am I prepared for what he appears to want? 

My heart began to slam harder within my chest not knowing what I was going to do if he tried to take this further than just kissing. As my mind wandered, I hadn't realized he now stood directly in front of me, his hot, sweaty, and sexy body glistening before me. His scent assaults me in the most pleasant way. I am so doomed. I thought. 

"Come!" He demanded gruffly as his voice was thick with desire.

He grasped my hand as he began leading me into the woods, feeling my body light up at his touch, sparks surging through me. I knew what I wanted but am I brave enough to follow through? His strides became more determined, his body ridged, as his intentions became clear. My heart slammed within my chest as I tried to keep up with his long strides, letting him lead me further into the woods as the sounds of the stream reached me. Why is he bringing us here I wondered?

As we reached the water's edge, he turned to face me as the beautiful stream flowed quickly as the soft sounds filled my ears. I will admit this is one of my favorite places within our pack lands. His eyes locked with mine; within a single moment I knew that Brent was meant for me in some way...but was he my true mate? He pulled me closer as he pulled me down until we were on our knees pressed against one another, the tall grass tickling me as it brushed against my bare skin.

"I need to know!" He spoke his voice raspy and gruff.

I shot him a confused look as I am not sure what he meant...well or did I? Was he talking about how I feel about him? I felt my heartrate quicken as his gentle touch became more aggressive grasping me firmly within his hands. His hands squeezed my arms firmly as I could do nothing but look deep into his eyes. 

He wants an I tell him I have always loved him? Or do I wait until my birthday to see if he truly is my mate? Confusion filled my mind as I clung to the hope of finding my one true mate or is that just naïve of me, there are hundreds of thousands of werewolves would I be that lucky to have my mate within my own pack?

A low growl emanating from him drew my attention from my thoughts as his eyes sparkled with curiosity and a need to know an answer to his question. I sucked in a breath not knowing exactly what to say outside of he meant the world to me. 

That my thoughts always go back to him, surrounding me, engulfing most of my thoughts throughout the let him know he is truly my one weakness within the world. Knowing that regardless of whether he was my mate, he will always remain my weakness, my strength and my one most cherished werewolf that I could not live without.

A soft whine escaped my lips as I looked deep into his eyes, revealing his thoughts for me as pure desire and passion as gold began to swirl within the black pooled eyes as if they were ready to suck every single one of my movements, actions, and shuddered breaths in waited anticipation of my reply to him.

" know how I feel about you, don't you?" I questioned the fierce beast before me.

"I need to hear it Jenna, please it seems as if I have waited an eternity to hear the words, I so crave to hear pass your sweet lips." He groaned out as if saying them caused him pain.

"You are" I gasped as his lips crushed upon my own silencing me.

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