Desire! ~REVISED

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I snuggled my face into Brent's chest breathing in his cloves and fresh birch scent as it washed over me. My longing for him began to grow intensely as I wanted to run my fingers through his long black hair as I pulled him to me tightly. 

To press my lips to his as I devour him as I feel him devour me completely. Oh, my alright here I need to regain control, or we are going to end up on the desk right here. I whined out in need, yet I knew we needed to stop even though all we were doing was holding one another.

As I closed my eyes trying to regain control those eyes peered back at me as they now were full of rage. Why were they looking like this now, I wondered? Dismissing them I opened my eyes as Brent peered down on me as he placed a chaste kiss on my lips. I groaned as I slid my fingers deep within his hair tugging at it trying to get him to deepen the kiss. 

He grinned at our kiss as it deepened, panting wanting to feel this sexy beast's naked flesh against my own. Whoa, wait a minute body you're in overdrive calm! I called out to myself. The burning passion continued to course through me as he nipped my lip as a whine escaped from his lips.

Breaking our kiss apart he grinned down at me as his eyes were black as they were filled with desire for me as I was for him.

" Jenna we need to get to class before we truly get ourselves into trouble." He laughed out gruffly.

I whined and nodded my head to him as the scent of arousal lingered heavily within the room calling to me as Brent took hold of my hand pulling me along with him out of the classroom. Very few students lingered in the hallways as most had already entered their next classes, thankfully. 

I began to try ignoring the fact that every student in the school is a werewolf with an exceptional ability to scent and we smelt like a walking sex pavilion. Oh, let me sink into the earth now to hide I thought. I heard Brent chuckle as he walked us closer to our classroom as he must have known what I was thinking.

"To bad for them!" Brent laughed out.

I groaned as we walked into math class as everyone's heads turned to look at us entering the room including the teacher. He raised his eyebrows at us and in that instant, I knew he had an idea that something had occurred between us. 

We walked to the back of the room as everyone's gazes followed us, talk about embarrassing. Samuel and his little pose began whispering back and forth as he held an expression of contempt on his face for us. To bad for him I thought. If I hated someone it would truly be him with his snide comments and total disrespect.

The teacher stood in front of the class watching the students gawk at us as he cleared his throat to draw their attention to him instead.

"I think that is about enough of that!" He growled out low.

I am thankful he is very blunt and has a severe sense of loyalty to his Alpha and our family. We took our seats and watched Mr. Carson with interest of what he was about to say. He had many numbers written on the board as he turned facing the black board. 

I knew today would be an easy day of taking notes as he informed us on proper procedures of going about solving the mathematical equations. Pulling out my notebook from my backpack I heard several whispers from off to my left as I knew it was Samuel and his group of friends.

I tried to ignore them as a low growl emerged from Brent in warning. I knew it was Samuel and his friends who wanted to be assholes and make their rude comments. Their chatter cut to a screeching halt as Brent's growl released into the room. His warnings were something others were to obey since he is a beta werewolf and higher status than the others in our class, well outside of me. 

Thankfully class passed by quickly knowing that once school was complete for the day, I could go to the training grounds and train for a while to burn off some of my anxiety. I knew Brent felt the same, his posture was ridged and forced, the tension radiated off him as it was almost concerning.

The day seemed to pass by in a blur as several people approached me asking about the new curfew. I told them I was unaware of why my father had placed it, but I am sure everything would be fine. Yes, alright I blatantly lied to them. I don't want them worrying like I am doing. Brent, Steph, and I walked out of school as a cool breeze brushed against us. I lifted my face to the sky as I inhaled deeply enjoying the scents of nature on the wind. I smiled as I looked to my friends as I nodded in the direction of the training grounds.

As we began walking towards the grounds, we noticed my father and Chad out there with the main warriors training fiercely as if they were preparing for the worst. My heart sunk knowing our pack was truly in danger and we needed to take every precaution we could now.

We stepped forward as our fathers looked over to us nodding as they realized we were there to spar and train as well. As we were sparing, I overheard Marcus the head warrior speaking to my father.

"When are we expecting the attack, Alpha?" He questioned.

"We are not sure; from our sources it could be within the next two weeks. We are not sure why they chose our pack to attack but we need to make all the preparations so we can keep as many safe as possible." My dad replied.

"So, they really are coming here? How are we to stand against them, they are from what is told the most powerful pack in the states if not the world?" Marcus asked with his voice full of worry.

My father shrugged as he peered over in my direction seeing my shock as he sighed heavily and gave me a look of sadness and concern. I know he will do everything he can to keep our pack safe even if it is taking them off of our land to do so. No, we don't want to abandon our home, but lives matter more I thought. Tension thick in the air as the warriors began training harder than I had ever seen, almost viciously. I took a shuddered breath as I watched them spar seeing fists and claws swishing through the air, some in human form and others in their wolf form.

My heart sank knowing this could be the last time I got to spend with my pack as a whole. I wanted to do something for all of us but what? I thought

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