My stolen love

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Brent's POV~

    As I lead the others off to the other packs land, I could feel the pain of my mate, my chest clenched as my breath was stolen from me

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    As I lead the others off to the other packs land, I could feel the pain of my mate, my chest clenched as my breath was stolen from me. My primal roared knowing our mate was feeling such pain of our separation, I wanted to run to her. To take all her pain away, to save her from whatever was coming for her. This pending invasion by this Alpha who attacks packs just to gain warriors and females for his warriors. He must be sick. I feel myself being pulled to my mate as I can feel suddenly everything stopped...I stopped feeling my mate. Panic surged through me, but I knew I had to get our elders to safety. 

   I was leading about one hundred pack members to this other land. I am feeling uneasy about it to be honest, I do not know this pack, yet the last Alpha must have set this up way beforehand. I wonder if I can trust this other Alpha with my pack...wait wow that is right, I am the ALPHA now. I must admit it is difficult seeing myself as an Alpha, even though my mate is an Alpha female. I wish I had as much faith in myself as they seem to have in me, my mate trusted me I know this...I felt fear of messing this all up so badly that I endanger my pack. I know I was trained to be a beta, to follow and assist the Alpha...never expecting to be the Alpha myself.

     I needed to find myself a beta, to get all the pack to this other land...all I was told is that the Alpha of the other land was friends with Alpha Christopher. No one told me anything other than that. I let a frustrating growl leave my throat, as everyone's heads spun looking at me with wide eyes thinking there was a threat close by. I shook my head trying to reassure them that we were still safe, I had led them about two to three miles from our lands, I know we had about another day's travel until we arrive at the other pack. I was told that Alpha Jameson from the Pikes Peak Mountain pack would be expecting us within a few days depending on how the elders handle the trek. I wanted to try and do this by vehicle, but they felt we had no time to get out before the attack so on foot it is. 

   There are several women carrying children to help them with the travel, I stopped a moment to look around. We were deep within the woods as I began to hear branches snapping as if they were underfoot of someone. I linked everyone telling them to still and gather while I find out what is lurking around us. I could smell the foul smell of rogue...rogues tend to have less than a desirable smell, I know the old rumors say they have massive stench. I find it is more just the stink of unkempt, not bathed, or  no hygiene in the slightest. This alone is enough of a warning someone needs, their foul B.O. Yes, I said it I try not to be harsh to anyone but come on there are streams and lakes all over...go jump in and get the stench off them. If they did, they would be less trackable.

     I watched as about forty elders were pushed into a circle as the younger adult werewolves surrounded them to protect them. Every elder was holding at least one child. I knew even through the ones protecting the elders were woman, they would fight and give their lives to protect them and the children. I looked to Tabitha she was leading the woman, she nodded to me understanding I wanted them to remain ready in case. I heard it again, heavy foot falls coming from the east, my eyes glanced from tree to tree, looking for any movement. 

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