Beauty in Innocence ~REVISED

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"Jenna you better get to bed you have school in the morning!" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Yes mom. I will head to bed shortly, but do I have to go in tomorrow? Can't I just go to the training grounds instead?" I asked hoping.

"In your dreams my your dreams." My mother laughed out.

Oh yeah so funny I don't get dreams of the training ground or anything else which may be enjoyable. I get dreams of eyes watching my every moment in my life. How fair is that? I thought to myself, what did I ever do to deserve this and not being able to have fanciful dreams like others do? I wondered.

By the way, my name is Jenna, and I am the daughter of the Alpha. Yes, I know it is a big deal, or, so I am told almost every day. The Alpha of the Mountain Moon pack is my dad. The pack is peaceful, unless there is a threat to our safety. We all train hard here, and yet some just can't cut it, they aren't strong enough physically or mentally, so they turn to other things.

I like to think of our pack as laid back and go with the flow yet my father...well he is a totally different story. My dad has always been very sweet and a very confident man. He loves his pack and every werewolf within it. Yet I think I have only seen emotion on his face perhaps a handful of times...odd I know. I know one day I will have big shoes to fill since he never had a son but currently the only thing that is going through my head is the simple things.

Of course, my birthday is within a week and then I can find my true mate. Oh, how I so hope it is Brent...he is so hot and to boot he is my best friend. Of course, my other best friend is just as amazing as Brent is... yet she is so much better looking. I have to give the girl credit, we have to stick together! I honestly love Brent, yet I do have concerns that when my birthday arrives, I will find out he isn't my true mate. This is something I have been wishing for my whole life and now we are down to the wire. The pack seems to think we are like brother and sister. We are so close but my feeling towards him is anything but sisterly.

I know I have to get sleep for school and mom already reminded me, so I guess I can't put it off any longer. I walked into my bedroom slipping into my night clothes hoping for once I could dream like other werewolves do and not of the one who holds the eyes. Yes, I know that sounds weird, but you will understand.  

Not looking forward to going to school tomorrow to say the least. There are students who decide I am their source of amusement which pisses me off, but I try and hold my temper. I crawl into bed as I tug my blanket over my head as I wish just for one night, I could dream of something wonderful or about Brent, I am good with that. I laughed to myself. As I snuggled into my pillow, closing my eyes as those eyes were there waiting for me. I guess my wish was denied!

Eyes watching my every movement as it appeared I now was in the woods, yet there was a massive black wolf standing there as it stood tall, it held the eyes I always see any time I close my eyes. Feeling my breathing quicken as his eyes bore into my own, a low rumbling growl fills the air as the growling increased as the massive wolf approached! I turned and ran as fast as I could into the thick underbrush of the woods ducking behind pine trees and maple trees hoping to conceal myself. Suddenly a voice filled the air instead of the growling.

"You can't run forever lil one! I will catch're meant to be mine!" The voice spoke with an extremely gruff voice. 

"I am not yours! Leave me alone, why do I always see your eyes?" I growled low.

"I shall never relent lil one...I shall be seeing you!" The voice spoke confidently with extreme dominance.

Realizing that by answering I gave away my location as I began running, he never relented as he continued following behind me as I ran.

Panting fiercely as I had been running with no relief of rest, my heart pounding within my chest as my legs felt they were at the point of collapsing. I stumble collapsing to the ground as the wolf grew closer as I crawled backwards as it gained closer with every stride. 

"Caught you lil one!" A deep growl resonated within my own head.

That's not possible! His sheer size was intimidating, as sweat dripped from my pale skin as he rested standing over me, gazing down upon heart pounding to the point of bursting....then it all vanished into blackness.

The birds were chirping loudly outside of my window as I opened my eyes wishing today was not happening. I don't want to get out of bed, go to school or even see anyone today. Yes, I know my wishful thinking is not going to get me anywhere but it's worth a shot. The sun trickled in through the curtains as the blues lit up as the sun beat against them. I pulled my pillow back over my head not wanting to deal with today. For once I just wish I could have some blissful sleep. Is that really asking too much?

No instead I close my eyes and during the night while my mind should be filled with fitful dreams, I get my breathing turning ragged as those eyes that haunt me linger behind my eye lids. Those black glistening orbs encompassed in a blood red rim along the outside of the iris. The image of those eyes holding desire, passion and hate but the biggest feeling I get from them is one of murderous intent. I will admit they confuse me. Which one of those feelings do they hold for me I wonder? I wish I knew if I dreamed of something than just seeing his eyes, yet nothing else is ever remembered if there was anything. Perhaps it is better that way I thought. 

I will admit I could melt into them even though they are ones of someone who give off an aura of a murderous killer. What the hell is wrong with me? Could he be my mate? Or is he someone who seeks my demise? I guess either way I wouldn't be opposed, with the way he looks at me. Oh, my goddess...someone help me I am becoming warped. Is he, my mate? Is that why I see his eyes constantly anytime I close my eyes? Could he be mine?

My mind racing over all the questions made me more awake than I wished I was. I took a deep breath throwing my pillow off to the side as irritation began to build within me. Damn it, why do I have to be the one with hang ups? I growled in frustration. I was drawn to the one who is behind those eyes yet felt like prey at the same time. I wish I could have one day without being under the microscope by them!

Sighing loudly, I sat up in bed, sweat soaking the underside of my hair. Were nightmares causing them or was it just those eyes? I wondered. I shrugged off the feeling of being prey to those intense murderous eyes which never seemed to leave me and without fail and exactly on time.

"Morning Jenna, come on you need to get up." My mom called out to me.

"Morning mom, I'm sleeping, I don't want to go in today, I can miss one day of dealing with being looked at as a piece of meat." I retorted.

My bedroom door flew open exposing my mother standing there with fury written all over her face. Man, she could be scary when she wanted to be. She acted as if I had assaulted her with my statement...oh boy here we go I thought.

"WHO? " She demanded.

"Who is treating you like a piece of meat? You answer me right now young lady! I will go down to that school myself and teach those pups how to show proper respect for their Alpha's daughter." She growled out as venom filled her voice.

I groaned knowing she would march down there and tear the school apart until she found the culprits and made them suffer her wrath, which mind you is a very bad thing. I have been there before and man, I never wish to be again! Knowing if I do not answer her, she will go directly to my father and then they will jointly tear the pack apart hunting down who ever made me feel that way. I really don't want my dad involved...ugh. Why can't life just be easy I wonder. My dad would give them a verbal lashing and most likely my mom would push him into locking them up in the cells for a while to learn humility and respect. She can be scary! I just wish I would not be the center of attention and surely, I don't need my mom putting me in that position.

"Mom, please let me handle them. I must learn to do it at some point. They are just ignorant teens who are full of hormones and attitude. Remember when you were that age! One of the issues is they know I have my wolf already and will be finding my mate before long, hopefully within the week. If I need to teach them a lesson, I will teach them the value of male support cups to protect their jewels from my flying knee to their groin. I do not want you or dad to do anything. I rather not be the center of attention; I try so hard not to be as it is." I confessed. 

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