For the sheer pleasure of it

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If you are sensitive to sexual assault, violence, and language. I thank you for visiting but you should leave this page. 

I totally understand and do not condone violence, sexual assault, or abuse in any shape or form. Yet, this is where the story had led. 

Johnathan POV

      I ran faster than I thought I ever would, running past those of my pack who were still fast for a werewolf, yet I am so much faster now

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      I ran faster than I thought I ever would, running past those of my pack who were still fast for a werewolf, yet I am so much faster now. To know I will get there before them gave me a sense of ease, I will put myself in the path of any of my pack. Regardless of if they look at it the other way around, I know any one in my pack would sacrifice their life to save mine. Feeling the cold soil beneath my large feet as my claws sink deep into the dirt, throwing it up as I run. The feeling of the wind run through my hair, well what hair I have in this form.

  It was quite different than my normal werewolf form. I began noticing the scent of a different pack, I could feel the pack land just ahead of me, I slowed to see if I could locate my missing pack members. They so know better; they will deal with me when this is done. I took a deep breath in; I could smell a faint trail of my mate still lingering in the area. It thrilled me to smell her sweet scent, honey, and gardenia, I have never smelt something so intoxicating. Her scent driving me wild, I want to be there with her this have my way with what is mine. I noticed a few of the werewolves who ran off before we could leave for my lands.

    "Get over here now! You are all going to get what is coming to you once this is done and over with! Do not mess this up or it is YOUR HEADS I will be removing." I exclaimed.

   Smelling my mates scent drove me wild, putting all my senses in overdrive. Knowing my mate is not here made me even more irate, they had to have sent her away to someone they thought would keep her safe from me. This pack would pay with their lives, and their freedom, now they will become whatever I deem fit and wherever I want. I was so over this whole pack and knowing they would send her off like this. I am sure they did not realize they had sent her right into my claws, where she shall remain. 

   I stood here waiting while the rest caught up, as we all start taking our perspective positions around their pack lands. I walked a few yards forward and noticed many guards walking the boarder of their lands. I laughed as I took off running towards them, I caught them by surprise as they tried to spin to face me. I grabbed one of the werewolves from behind, wrapping one of my arms around and digging my claws into his underside. While I brought my other clawed hand across his throat tearing out his jugular, blood spurting everywhere...ahh to have this feeling was divine.

     I could see the other werewolf had spun running towards one of the females who were still in human form, I ran after him my feet pounding on the ground. I let a fierce snarl rip through my teeth as I swing my clawed hand down along his side, slicing his skin and fur open as blood now soaked it. The wolf dropped to the ground whining from the pain, as I grinned looking at his eyes which showed his utter terror. Ah...what a feeling. I so loved when they die with fear and terror in their eyes, it is like the cherry on the top of an ice cream sundae. A laugh ripped through my teeth as I watched the werewolf die of blood loss, writhing in agony. 

Fallen Innocence ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now