Impending Day

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While walking to my front door, I vigorously shook my head, knowing what I just overheard would remain in my mind. In my own way, I protested the idea. I could feel the impending tears pricking my eyes as tears began to threaten their confines, fighting them back as I took several deep breaths trying to calm myself. Remembering that no matter what comes, I was trained just as well as the warriors if not better and I am ready to fight for my pack and my family. Closing my eyes for a moment I took one last deep breath as those lingering eyes peered deep and long into my own. Regardless of if they held harm for me within them, I so wanted to wrap myself in the arms of the one who watches over me more than I seek breath.

Steph and Brent were lingering on the front porch as they rested up against the stone wall looking at me with interpretation and curiosity. I felt my eyebrows furrow knowing I wanted to entrust my best friends with the knowledge I just learnt but remembering my fathers' words hit me hard as I silenced that part of myself longing to inform them. They both lurched forward to my sides as confusion and concern filled their faces, their eyes wide in anticipation of what had upset me. Knowing I should have headed his words to his beta and contained the information just to myself I broke.

"We may have a problem, but my dad is preparing for anything." I spoke clearly not wanting any misunderstandings.

They both looked at me with suspicion as their gazes lowered to my trembling hands. I am sure they heard my ragged breathing as well as the information was still new to me as well. Thankfully they knew not to push me right now to gain further information which I was not prepared to share in the least. Surprisingly Brent inhaled deeply as his eyes turned into black pools of desire and want as they landed on me. Oh no, he smelt my arousal from earlier in the bathroom...just great, I thought. If he realized how severe it is he would know how much of a struggle I would have tried to control myself. I could tell his wolf Zac was raging to break forward wanting to either speak to me or down right claim me this instant. Standing ridged Brent's fists clenched at his sides as I could tell him trying to mask the internal fight he was having with Zac. My breathing hitched knowing what Brent and his wolf wanted to do, to claim, possess and take me where I stood.

I lifted my gaze to Brent with an apologetic smile, which I will not deny I am sure there was a glint of passion and desire within it as well. He is a hot wolf to say the least! Wishing my whole life my friend Brent was truly my mate and would be the love of my life. In all aspects of transparency, I think Brent wants the same. As I watched him intently, he slowly closed his eyes as if to try and calm his raging hormones along with Zac which is not an easy or difficult task in itself.

Brent's mind wandered trying to clear the unimaginable longing to aggressively claim Jenna as his own, sinking his fangs deep into her tender sweet flesh Zac howled out wanting to mark her as his. With the smell of her extreme need, of arousal strong within the air, Zac and Brent longing to claim her right here and now on the steps of her family's home. Brent laughed deeply to himself as he shook his head, as the thought of claiming the Alpha's daughter right here would not be good for his health or limbs for that matter. As he seemed to gain some self-control, I looked at him giving him a sweet smile knowing he had the inner turmoil due to my current situation. As my eyes peered into him, did he ever wonder if I was interested in him also? Was this just one sided? I wondered to myself. Yes, I know in the moment of him scenting me it sent him on a spiral of need and longing but outside of that...I wondered.

"Brent, can I speak to you for a moment if you don't mind?" I asked sweetly.

He nodded his head to me as Steph walked off the porch and towards school. As he grew closer to me, I couldn't hesitate any longer. I wanted to know if he felt the same.

"Yes, Jenna...are you alright?" He asked his voice full of concern.

"Have you ever thought of us being mates?" I asked softly as my gaze went to the cold concrete beneath my feet.

"Of course, I have Jenna, I long for that more than words can convey but I must also be reasonable, and I know that our mates are out there if we are not one another's. If we found them it would cause us both not only sorrow but emotional damage...if either of us found our true mate it would destroy the other, I know this. I don't want to hurt you in such a way, you mean far too much to me." He spoke solemnly.

Brent loved her too much to hurt her in that way. He shook his head, then nodded to me as we began walking towards the school. He knew they would be happy as mates and love one another more than anything and of course remain best friends...but could he chance it if they weren't true mates? He knew the pull to a true mate would hold destruction, heartbreak for them both if they turned out not to be. As we looked at one another I could see how sorry he was but the draw to him never wavered in the least. As we grew closer to the school, I began noticing all the students lingering outside as a few strolled in through the doors. As we reached the steps of the school, I began hearing the comments which were of course at my expense.

"I would so love to get ahold of that piece. I would have so much fun showing her who is in charge. She thinks she is tough; I want to be the one to break her...mmm." Samuel spoke in hushed tones which he knew was loud enough to catch my ear.

Several of his friends began laughing as if they liked his declaration as disturbing as it was. It made me furious, image the idea of Samuel touching me made my stomach lurch to my throat. Suddenly a loud husky growl escaped from Brent's lips directed right at Samuel! 

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