Preview Of The Next Books In This Series

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I did have a few of these books up, but I decided to pull them and get at least half of it complete before having it up so I pulled them for a little bit. 

Here is a sneak peek! Enjoy

Here is a sneak peek! Enjoy

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Book Series:

Fallen Innocence -Book 1 (completed)

Rise of the Lycan's -Book 2

(Chapters being put up)

Rise My Lycan Queen - Book 3

He's Claimed...By Me (completed)

(20 yrs later)

Stand alone

The Fall of Pike's Peak 

(Jameson's Story)

Stand alone


Lycan's Rise (Book 2)

   I am sure you all know me; I am Jenna the werewolf who is also a Lycan...well that is part of who I am. It has been foretold that I shall be the Lycan Queen, the queen over all werewolf and Lycan alike...yes even my mates. Got to love it don't you. No, this doesn't mean I get to get away with anything I desire...far from. My mates are extremely protective yet what do you expect from three Lycan's and a Vampire? Well not to mention we do have a pup coming...I guess that could be why they take it over the top at times. 

   So, all of the injustice with the Pike's Peak pack has turned me into a Lycan who will not stand for innocence being harmed for the purpose of the betterment of themselves. They think one of these ways is to get ahold of me as well...well I am the vengeance these Selfish, power-hungry Alpha's shall longer will innocence suffer to their hands. These innocent pack members don't have their own Alpha to protect them, then they shall have ME!

Rise My Lycan Queen (Book 3)

   You all should know who I am... I am Cliff Barron; I am about to become the King of the Lycan's and Werewolves as well. Now is the time for our beautiful Lycan Queen to rise for she shall put an end to these senseless attacks on helpless packs. I do understand the desire to conquer, but it can be done with as little bloodshed as needed, like she wants it. If bloodshed shall happen...WE WILL DO IT AS ONE! 

   Well, I am now the King of the Blood Moon pack. We, as her mates have been seems others can't get their head wrapped around the fact they don't stand a chance against us. We are putting a stop to it all. It was meant for my mate to be the Lycan Queen and so she shall be. I dare any to stand against us! If you think you can do it...come forward.


Fall Of Pike's Peak ~Story of Jameson Carten (Stand Alone)

This story works in with Fallen Innocence...Yet this is Jameson Carten's Story. It is from his teens until his utter demise.

Who can heal a broken heart? I shall give it all I can to do so...but I am an Alpha and I need to be just that. The battle over hierarchy and passion battling with one another, I shall have what I desire no matter what. Power, Strength, and anything else I desire. Its my right as an Alpha, isn't it?

Well, that was until she came into my life throwing it all up in the air filling it with confusion, her small omega self-finding her way into the heart of her Alpha. Passion and desire confusing and conflicting everything I want to achieve...yet she will be mine one way or another. Until I let my ambitions tear it all apart, can I survive now that I know there is a rare Lycan Queen I want to possess. A new endeavor to possess the unique Queen of the Lycan's for her ultimate power she contains within.

He's Claimed...BY ME! (Stand Alone) 

(20 yrs after Fallen Innocence)

Yet includes Jenna/mates and Valic's

I am not going to blow smoke up anyone's asses, I will be brutally honest with you. I may be someone you don't want to know, that is alright with me...I don't care. Well, I guess I should introduce myself since I am going to be so open and blunt with you. Normally I am loner, but I will give you a shot...stay on my good side or its your funeral.

I am Lizzy for short, this is what my friends call me. Others call me more colorful names; hey I can't blame them because normally I am violent, and I let my hate and my rage run the show. Yet, above all my hunger is insatiable which is truly clear from the bodies which are left in my wake. I am a vampire, well to be honest my family is very well known to the vampire race...we are what they would call royalty. I am the daughter of what they call the vampire king, he is ruthless, cold, and well to be blunt he kills cities without caring for a single person he drains dry...but I call him daddy. Yes, I am a daddy's girl I get every single wish or desire I have ever had; I have no intention of that ever ending. Let me fill you in on how my father views others, it may not be what you want to hear but oh well. To my father, humans are food nothing more and all the other supernatural creatures out there he considers nothing more than bothersome creatures who hold no worth. I thought exactly like he did until I met him, his dark eyes, long black hair, and a body to die for...but my father is going to skin me alive if I try to be with him. Oh well, to bad I want him...but not his...oh what did he call it...Oh yeah, his pack.

Fallen Innocence ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now