How is it possible?

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         Johnathan and Brent grinned wildly

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         Johnathan and Brent grinned wildly... their eyes flashing with excitement. Did the idea of others having me turn them on? I blinked turning my head to one then the other, as they both grinned raising an eyebrow at me. Oh my, they both were biting their lips.... that was my answer. I was shocked to be honest...yes there were two I thought were amazing looking and I was attracted to. Hey, I am only human...Well werewolf but you know what I am saying. I looked down at the floor and sighed...

         "You want me to be honest right? Damien and Cliff, there you go...happy. Yes, I know he is a vampire as well. He is an amazing looking man." I spoke sounding like an auctioneer.

         They looked at me a little surprised but nodded their heads, as they grinned. What were they up too, now I began getting nervous? They weren't going to tell them I was checking them out, were they?

         "I want you to understand something little one if Damien does choose to get involved. When he takes you, he will feed from that something you would be alright with? I do mean he will drink you as well..."Johnathan clarified.

     I began feeling my hormones surging and increasing at the idea of them being involved, and the thought of Damien feeding from me while he takes me was turning me on more than words can say. I took a deep breath, as I looked downwards trying to hide my bright red cheeks. How embarrassing...oh my. Johnathan walked out of the room for a moment, my eyes shot up to Brent in a panic. Is he serious? No way he would go get them would he even go about it, just ask them if they wanted to get ahold of me? I felt myself aroused beyond belief, as I felt myself getting extremely hot. Wait, no way! It can't happen now, we had plans going on, I want that Alpha head. Suddenly the bedroom door opened as I saw who was standing there. I swallowed hard as I felt my body begin to shake and sweat bead on my forehead and on my arms, well everywhere.

     Johnathan stood in the doorway with Damien and Cliff, all of them wearing shit eating grins. How embarrassing, let me vanish now.

    "I want to hear it from her." Damien spoke.

My eyes went wide, he wanted me to admit it. I closed my eyes for a second taking a deep breath in as his scent hit was like I lost control of my senses. I needed him, I had to have him. I looked back to Johnathan and Brent, as they both nodded to their acceptance to me. I walked over to Damien, as heat radiated over me, all I could feel is the need for this craving to be soothed. I got a few inches from Damien, breathing his scent in deeply as I stared him in the eyes...I wanted to devour him.

     Damien's eyes went wide, he knew I wanted him more than anything right now. He grabbed the back of my neck as he crushed his lips against mine trying to force his tongue into my mouth. I parted my lips as he dominated my mouth wrestling with my tongue, as he wrapped his cold arm around me. It felt amazing his coolness against my flaming heat.

Fallen Innocence ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now