The un-named pack

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   I watched at the staff lowered the stairs from the plane as everyone began standing up walking towards the door

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   I watched at the staff lowered the stairs from the plane as everyone began standing up walking towards the door. I looked to my mates in a concerned manner never going to new places this was all new to me. My anxiety was building, and I know when that happens, I am not the safest werewolf, Lycan to be around. I took a deep breath as my mates surrounded me as we exited the plane. I looked out from the stairs noticing several vehicles waiting for us along the tarmac with another plane landing at our location. I looked to Cliff with a concerned expression not knowing who was on the other plane.

   "I had some of our warriors come along as well love, you are safe...we all are." He spoke.

   I nodded to him as I finished climbing down the metal stairs looking around noticing the hangers and other planes that were parked outside of the buildings. It definitely is warmer here as I felt the warm breeze brush against my skin almost in a calming manner. I smiled as I reached the bottom of the stairs as I saw Johnathan holding out his hand for me to take as I took the final step from the plane. I took his hand and stepped down as a man began opening the doors to the vehicles. I am assuming they were the drivers for the vehicles.

   "How far is it so the pack?" I asked Sebastian.

   "The pack lands are about a half an hour from here, they are aware we have landed and to expect us." He stated.

   I nodded understanding soon I shall be standing in front of someone else's pack helping deal with the current situation of them being food for vampires. Yes, I know that is harsh, but it is true they are feeding from to these vampires they are like a steak waiting to be devoured. Being a werewolf myself this does not work for me; no vampire should be feeding from a werewolf unless they are mated. At that point it becomes so much more than just a vampire feeding, it is a sensual and sexual action between them. 

   Like it is for Damien and me, I know him feeding from me on the plane had to have brought him to the point of release, yet he would not have let himself do it if it was not within me. Such a mate I have I tell you he would rather put himself through the pain than have me in any form of distress. I will admit I am lucky to have my mates, they all are so different yet all protective and possessive of what is theirs.

   Johnathan placed his hand in the small of my back as he led me to the black limo which was waiting for us. I am guessing that one is for us since the other vehicles were normal vans which could fit a fair amount of people in them. As I climbed into, he limo, the ceiling lights were lit bringing extra light into the cabin of the car. I looked around noticing a section that held glasses along with a small refrigerator placed below them. I had never been in a car like this, I guess there is a first time for everything. I smiled as I sat on the side seat to the left of the vehicle as everyone piled into the cabin.

    I couldn't seem to take my eyes off the running lights which were positioned behind trim which was eliminating the ceiling of the limo. Alright so I am amused by small things, I am young after all. I do know I have matured so much in the past several months, but some things still tickled my fancy and riding in the limo is one of them. My mates watched me smiling seeing I was enjoying myself immensely to where I had a perm-a grin on my face. Their eyes seemed to glisten as they watched me as I let a giggle slip out.

   "Alright so I am a big secret is out." I laughed out.

They all laughed shaking their heads as what I had said was ridiculous or something.

   "Little mate, do you think we were unaware that you are a big kid when it comes to many things? You are amused by anything you haven't experienced before or seen before. You were extremely sheltered in your pack; I do know they were protecting you but experiencing life is important as well." Johnathan said.

   I grinned and nodded my head knowing that what he said was true, I was sheltered. I looked towards the dark windows as I saw many trees going by, I was glad to see at least there were woods and trees here so we would be able to run while we are here. I know I can't let Lacey out, but Crystal will not give me a choice, she needs to be let out to run and hunt. It's a losing battle fighting against her when she gets irritated and needs to be let out, she will force and claw her way out if need be.

 As I had continued watching the trees off on the left-hand side of the car, I felt someone tap my arm as the car turned right onto a different road.

   "We will be arriving you know what you plan on saying to them?" Sebastian asked.

   "Honestly, I have no clue. I do know I will want to find out exactly has been taking place here. If this Alpha is as this wolf states, he may pose some aggression to us. If he is dominant and such...I know I am worse. I will not back down to anyone I do not care who they are. I will give him a choice; he can agree with how I want to go about securing his pack or he can go it alone. I hate to be like that and not support our own kind but if he tries to fight against me, I am afraid that is where it will end up. Crystal will not stand for disrespect from there is that as well." I informed him.

   They all nodded knowing what I was saying was indeed the truth. Crystal would not stand for anyone disrespecting us or our mates, she is extremely possessive and protective just as our mates are. I do hope the she-wolves at the pack know their place because hitting on my mates will end in their deaths, no questions asked. I saw my mates grin at me, of course they heard that thought in my head, I shook my head and grinned knowing I am just being honest.

   "What is the name of your pack?" I asked the wolf in the car with us.

   "Solace lake pack, yes I know right now there is no solace within it. Everyone is fearful and they know any of us could be next if they get past our boarders." He told us.

   "Do we know the name of the Clan that is hunting them?" I asked Sebastian.

He nodded his head and it appeared he was trying to conceal some information, but I wouldn't allow that.

   "Tell me Sebastian, I do not want to go into this blindly." I said in a harsh tone.

   "It's the Dark Moon clan that is hunting them. They I already know will be a problem, they consider themselves better than any species out there. I am not even sure how they will receive us to be honest." Sebastian informed us.

   My mates looked at him and then to me knowing I would protect my family and the Valic's are my family as well. If I needed to bring them down, I know Crystal shall do what needs to be done or I shall. I took a few deep breaths knowing shortly I would need to deal with this so-called Alpha. No Alpha can stand against me, yet I hate how they can be so egotistical, and self-centered it drives me nuts. 

   Yes, even my own mate was like that, yet he has changed so much...yes, he still is very dominant and precise in what he expects in his pack. Yet the total ruthlessness has decreased within the pack I have noticed. He is holding more respect for the females since he found me, I am sure when he thinks about it, he puts me in that situation and decides if it were something he would allow me to go through.

   I leaned sideways into the seat against the window as Brent wrapped his arm around me pulling me into him, I so love my mate and best friend I have in him. I knew one thing I wanted to do was speak to the young pup who saw the pack members killed, I wanted to try and help bring some kind of calm to her.

   "We are here." The wolf spoke.

I looked up to see a sign which said 'Solace Lake' well now I guess dealing with this pack shall begin...will the Alpha live to see tomorrow is the question now.


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