Pikes Peak Mountain pack

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Brent's POV

         The sun was beginning to crest over the trees, everyone had slept for a few hours

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         The sun was beginning to crest over the trees, everyone had slept for a few hours...I didn't want to sit still to long due to there could be actual rogues out there. I know Annabelle may be considered a rogue, but she is the furthest thing from one. Her grandmother is part of our...my pack, so in turn so is she. I did inform Annabelle she now was part of the Moon mountain pack now, she seemed to be overjoyed knowing she had a place once again. I did tell her if we could find the rest of her family we would. As the woman sat around the large bonfire, we had started during the night to keep animals and rogues away from where we were.

    I watched as the women all were talking and gossiping and laughing with one another as the kids were still snuggled up sleeping. The women had brought food with them as they had started cooking...the smell was sending my stomach into convulsions I was so hungry. I knew we would arrive at the Pikes peak territory today; I just hope the Alpha is welcoming and an honest man like my own Alpha was. I had no way of knowing if my Alpha or Luna had survived the attack. I don't know many attackers that would keep an opposing Alpha alive though, unless they were going to try to get something from them or use them as bait. The idea of them being used as bait for Jenna tore me apart inside...my mate would walk right into it so she could save her parents.

     I watched the sun as it began coming over the mountain, with a hot cup of coffee in hand. One of the women came over and handed it to me, talk about surprised we had coffee. The reds and pinks and oranges swirled in the sky; I knew it was going to be warm today, so I wanted to get moving while it was still cool. As I was drinking my coffee, I felt a sense of pride for those left of our pack. I will admit I was proud of our females of the pack, regardless of what is happening in their lives they care about everyone. These women, well she-wolves looked after anyone who needed it, regardless of if it is making them food or tending to a different need they may have. We have a loving, and caring pack which looks after one another as family. 

   Well, all except for Samuel and his little band of well I think I will bite my tongue on that one. I began to wonder what happened to him; did they make it out alive I wonder. I know that Alpha wouldn't take him as a warrior...well if he had any sanity that is. Which we already knew he was lacking considering he decided he wanted some small pack lands that was occupied by a loving tiny pack. I couldn't see the gain if that is what he was looking at. Now the question was could the one who held the eyes that my mate kept seeing ask him for his help in retrieving her from us? So many questions plagued my mind, the uncertainty was driving my primal, wolf and I insane with no answers in sight. I wonder if the raid is over on my pack, did anyone survive? I wonder how many he took for other purposes, oh the thought of that alone began to make me tremble with pure rage.

    As everyone one had eaten and had drank plenty, they collected everything, and all were ready to continue this last leg of our trek. All the women began walking in the direction of the pack as we continued, I had been walking next to the large group of women when I heard something...I spun around. As I spun, I was slammed into being thrown backwards. A large brown wolf snarling at me, the women all screamed out in fear as they once again did the protective circle around the children and elders. I was not going to let anyone hurt my pack, I was in so much pain already being separated from my mate pain surged my body like an old friend. I shifted on the spot; my wolf now no longer smaller...it was huge. Me becoming Alpha must have given me some advantages...I know I am not going to argue. I lunged at the wolf as my jaws clamped down on the back of its neck as it latched onto my front leg. The pain surged from my leg; I could feel his teeth moving around as he began to try to thrash with my flesh in its mouth.

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