Truth be Told

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        I could feel my heart shatter hearing what happened to my pack, how could this have happened

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        I could feel my heart shatter hearing what happened to my pack, how could this have happened. We had warriors that were strong, they trained like no other. Yet this pack came in and just slaughtered our loved ones without caring about anything. Now I don't even know if my parents are alive. I could feel my stomach seize as I went flying forward slapping my hand over my mouth, I bolted from the room barging in the bathroom to the toilet. When I was done, I rinsed my mouth out when I looked up, I saw Steph rubbing my back. Her eyes were all puffy and her nose was red from crying. 

   I knew she felt helpless as I do also, my mind just couldn't seem to wrap around everything. I know when I do, it is going to crush me to the ground with the weight of the magnitude of destruction that happened to our pack, our families. Who was this Lycan, was he the one with those eyes? The one that was here looking for me. No...No this can't be happening. The monster that slaughtered my pack as a mate. I rather cease to exist. How could he think I would want to be with him? I would have to be out of my ever-loving mind to think of him as a protective mate, or anything other than a cruel heartless beast. Steph got me to calm as I finally dozed off with my head laying on her lap, she was humming a calming tune. Finally, my breathing slowed, and I fell deeper into slumber as his eyes were in front of me. I wondered if I could ever escape.

   His eyes held so much strength and power within them, I knew I could not give in to them or our life could be thrown into captivity. Well, a better word for it is imprisoned and at his will. I am in this wretched place and I really had no desire to go into another situation where I have absolutely no freedom and being told what to do. His eyes didn't leave me, constantly looking at me, into me, why could he not stop and go away.

  "Stop looking at me!" I screamed out in my dream.

   "You want me to stop looking, this will not happen little mate. Come to me now and you may find things won't be as bad as you think they will be." He replied with a harsh tone.

    "I heard you! You said you wanted to possess me...I am not property! I have a mate, who actually loves and cares about me...that is where I wish to with HIM!" I spat.

A deep growl came across the mind link it seemed I had infuriated him into silence, I took a breath enjoying the silence in my own head. Well so I thought.

"You want to save them little mate?" He questioned.

I wondered what he could mean, save who? I knew if he said that had planned something, I was unaware of. This made me so upset, tears pricked at my eyes. His eyes were unwavering and extremely a deadly point.

    "Save who?" I asked.

    "Come to me now, I will have a guard at the front gate of the school. You want to know who I am speaking about. Go to him and he will bring you to me." She answered dead seriously.

    I was concerned he had my mate, or someone I loved, would he stoop so low as to black mail me to go to him? I just looked at his eyes wondering if I should sacrifice everything to go see. What if he didn't have anyone, then I am just offering myself to him on a silver platter. I felt my stomach clench knowing it would only be a matter of time until he found me if I didn't go to him. I began to stir in Steph's lap, tears began to stream from my eyes as Steph looked at me with so much concern.

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