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I am going to add a few more chapters to this book.

        As my mates and I walked down the stairs of Jameson's estate, I grinned widely knowing that a monster like him will no longer be a threat

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        As my mates and I walked down the stairs of Jameson's estate, I grinned widely knowing that a monster like him will no longer be a threat. Yet, there are many more just like him out there. Those who prey on the innocent, peaceful packs who's only downfall is their trust in others. These packs, their Alpha's look at the good that he thinks these wolves carry when in all actuality they are nothing but beasts! My mates walked beside me as Brent walked over to our warriors instructing them of their next actions to follow. They began escorting the members of Jameson's pack to the vehicles and loading them up so they could be taken to safety. Many only had gathered their most prized possessions, with very few clothes or other items one would need. The idea of his pack living as poor wolves, not really having anything to their names infuriated me beyond words. I knew these people would need supplies and homes so they could thrive and not feel as though they went from one tyrant to another one. I will not be known as someone who deprives their pack members of general necessities, or even their wants. I want them to learn the true meaning of being in a pack, working together for one purpose, protecting, and loving it as their family. 

        I linked a few pack members who were still on our lands instructing them to ready the houses for our new additions. I also informed them to have the medical staff ready to treat the wounded as well. Johnathan walked up to me, lifting my chin up so he could look me directly in the eyes.

     "I am proud of you my little Lycan Queen. Even though I would have just destroyed them all you looked past what was in front of us and saw the innocence and good of those who would have moments ago wished you harm." Johnathan spoke.

    "Thank you, I wouldn't have had the courage to do it without you all. I was a naïve girl until I learned the world isn't all flowers and cheerful things. You all made me realize there is so much evil in the world and someone needs to put a stop to it!" I replied.

As everyone was loaded in the vehicles, we began our journey towards the pack lands of my childhood. I knew they would be comfortable, and everyone cares for one another. Until we decided if we would leave them there or take them with us to our main pack. We had provisions at our main pack that my small one didn't. I know there would be many adjustments they would need to make. One being that they would all have a task which helps the whole pack, regardless of if it is the large or small one. I sat down as I was pulled across the laps of my mates. I curled up laying across their laps as I felt sleep coming soon. I felt my body relax as the scent of my mates surrounded me. Calmness overtook me as everything passed into darkness.

    "Baby, we are here...you need to wake up." Johnathan spoke soothingly.

    As I opened my eyes, I saw Brent and Cliff standing along the side of our seats as Damien and Johnathan smiled down on me as well. I grinned knowing I must have zonked out after dealing with Jameson's pack. I climbed down from their laps as Brent took my hand giving me some stability as I ascended myself over their laps. I grinned seeing the reaction I had on my mates just from me lying across their laps. They all huffed at me and grinned...I didn't know vampires could blush. I giggled as my feet finally landed on the floor as my mates helped me right myself. I nodded to them as we all exited the vehicle to find the warriors assembled waiting for their next instructions. My eyes landed on all of them, then onto the new members of our pack. They were all huddled together as the scent of fear wafted through the air. They feared us. To think these people were with a tyrant with barley anything, yet they fear us.

    "I know everything that has happened is very overwhelming for all of you. You can consider this your home, or you can come to our main pack where we have plenty of space for you all. You are not prisoners, if you wish to leave you are welcome to. I would like you all to settle in here at the Moon Mountain pack and decide what you would like to do. Take this evening to discuss it with your families and decide if you would like to go to our main pack or remain here...or leave all together. I would like to return to our other pack to begin the next step in what is to come. I am terribly sorry to those of you who lost someone. That was never my intention, yet they chose to stand with their tyrant of an Alpha. Who did not deserve their loyalty or anything from any of you. Welcome to the Blood Moon pack. We will take care of whatever you need, just let one of the warriors know and we will get it for you." I informed them.

    My mates walked up behind me as I noticed the eyes of those who came from Pikes Peak Mountain pack. Their eyes widened as I could tell they feared my mates and what they are capable of, many witnessed their aggression firsthand. I turned to look at my mates smiling at them sweetly, I know they can be true monsters, but to me they are my loves.

    "You are safe here; you do not need to worry about being harmed by my mates. They will not harm you." I spoke soothingly.

They all smiled to the new residence even if it were temporary. Cliff and Brent began walking towards the main house knowing we had to make the arrangements to get back to Blood Moon, along with not knowing how many would be accompanying us and the warriors back. Damien knew I would want a bon fire tonight, so he walked to the clearing where we had one previously. He began gathering large trees cutting them to half their size to teepee in the pit. Johnathan and Cliff gathered the warriors and began discussing what would be going on over the next few days.

    I know all things seem up in the air and who knows how the group from Pikes Peak will decide, yet the preparations will be ready for them if they chose to join us at the main pack. The one thing I did not like is I was unsure if we had any warriors or men who were still loyal to Jameson, if so, they posed a threat. Trying to quiet my mind I walked back to the house as I walking up the stairs to the bathroom. I know a nice hot bath is just what the doctor ordered. Not really but you know what I mean. 

    I turned the handle of the shower so the water would be nice and hot, once the tub was filled, I stepped into it as I felt my muscles begin to relax. I breathed the steam in as I relaxed, I washed up and finally after an hour I stepped out of the now cold tub. I began to dry off as I heard the bedroom door open, I figured it was just one of the guys. To my surprise it was Christine, she smiled sweetly.

    "Hey Jenna, do me a favor...please be careful when it comes to these new people. Keep your guards up, you never know what they will do now that you killed their Alpha." She spoke with concern on her face.

    I nodded to her I would be cautious, yet my heart wanted to trust everyone who had come with us. We arrived down at the bonfire to see most of the new members surrounding the massive pyre in the middle as the flames danced in the middle of everyone. Smiling faces, with laughter engulfed the area as everyone seemed to relax. I even saw a few of the members who were from Pikes Peak speaking with my mates in hushed tones. I do hope everything is alright, I was not in the mood for more drama today. A man walked towards the group his expression ice cold, as he approached those sitting around the fire enjoying themselves, drinking soda, or coffee enjoying the fresh night air.

  "You're not my Alpha! You killed him and I will do the same to you!" The man yelled furiously.

   As he lunged for me, even before my mates could reach me, I took a deep breath as the ground began to shake violently revealing a sink hole which engulfed the man. Everyone looked at me in utter shock as the hole sealed itself back up leaving nothing but loose dirt where it had once been. I shrugged my shoulders with a wide smile on my face.

   "Why don't people listen when I speak? I will not have anymore violence towards innocence, nor will I allow any to harm my pack, mates, or myself." I deadpanned.

I guess it was too much to ask for....so the traitorous behavior begins. 

Let's play!

Let's play!

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