Facts Revealed ~REVISED

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As we grew closer to the house Brent peered over at me as if in a questioning manner. Unsure of what he was silently asking I raised my eyebrows.

"I want to clarify we are not done mate, is this clear enough?" The dominant growl released.

I nodded fervently and nodded my head in understanding of what he was saying as concern washed over me. What part of him was this? It surely isn't Zac or Brent! My mind wandered as we finally arrived in front of my house as my father came into view as he stepped out of the front door with Chad at his side. 

I knew instantly this was not Brent as I was pulled into his side forcefully as his arm snaked around my waist. Sparks surged through me at the contact, my breathing unsteady as I peered towards my father in anticipation of what he had to say.

"Thank you for gathering quickly, we have gained additional information about the pack that rumors state is coming here to attack us. The information does not bode well for us therefore I feel we need to take certain precautions and make certain arrangements to ensure the safety of the werewolves within our pack. From the information we have gathered we are finding that the rumors are indeed true. The Blood Moon pack intends to attack us, yet we are unsure why our small pack has come to light for this particular pack." He spoke solemnly.

"So, the biggest pack in the states is coming here to what...take us over or kill us?" A male voice rang out from the warriors.

Chad stepped forward as his eyes examined the crowd of warriors finally landing on us as he squinted his eyes in response to seeing Brent's arm tightly around me. Then he turned to address the werewolf who asked the question.

"I know we all have many questions about the state of our pack with this pending threat which potentially could destroy our pack and potentially cause us to take many losses. Some feel the Alpha of that pack is after something, but we are unsure of what. If any of you can think of what he is seeking please bring it to our attention. It may be the clue, we need to help save our pack." Chad informed us all.

I swallowed hard knowing this Alpha could be the total destruction of our pack, watching my father as he paled as he looked over his warriors and us. I have already made some calls; I contacted the Pikes Peak pack, and they will accept those of our pack we send to them. 

"We will send the young wolves along with their mothers, and our elderly we need to have one of our werewolves accompany them as well. We will discuss that later to decide who will go with them. We will increase the warriors at our boarders, if any of you hear anything from anyone about what this Alpha is seeking, I want it brought to my attention immediately! We are in a precarious situation due to knowing small bits of information about this oncoming attack. Perhaps if we find out what he is after we can save this pack by giving it to him!" My father informed us all.

My mind ran wild wondering what this Alpha could possibly want but honestly, I had no idea. My gaze locked with my father's as he seemed to apologize with his expression.

"You will be leaving with the she-wolves Jenna, I will not risk you!" He said through our minds like.

"I am not leaving you dad, no way! I have trained with the warriors, and I am one of the strongest and will fight for our pack as well." I replied to him.

From where I stood, I could see my father growling in response to my answer. It seemed to infuriate him. I need to find a way to prevent this attack on our pack because there is no way we are strong enough to stand against the strongest pack in the country. My father continued speaking as I listened intently as I continued trying to figure out something I could do to stop this attack.

"I want everyone to start packing what things you will need, this includes the rest of the pack, if we need to leave, we will! I plan on making a stand here with many warriors but the reality of us succumbing to the massive onslaught from this pack is inevitable! I want everyone to be prepared to leave. My daughters and Brent's birthday is tomorrow, which we will celebrate with the bonfire potluck the next day...the elderly, young and our women will be leaving the following morning. I am sorry for this grim news but there doesn't seem any way to overcome this brutal attack which is inevitable." My father said grimly.

My eyes grew wide knowing our pack was in jeopardy from this pack, from what her teacher had told her they are the biggest in the country if not in the world. He is brutal and vicious not caring for werewolves, so what does this Alpha want?

 I closed my eyes taking a deep breath knowing that I would do everything to save them. As his eyes looked into my mind curiously, I felt a need to wrap myself in the holder of those eyes. I sighed as my mind began thinking 'what does this Alpha want' as my heart quickened.

"You!" A malevolent voice growled out in my head.

My eyes flew open as my heart went wild within my chest. Could this Alpha be after me? Does the one with the eyes belong to the pack that is coming? Confusion filled me as it felt as though my body began heating up to a boiling point as I began panting. 

I must get away from this gathering. My mind began to wonder if I mated before they came would that save her pack? So many questions floating around my mind but I could not seem to find any clear answer to my questions. Panic began to surge through me as I felt a hand touch my arm as my head spun seeing Brent looking concerned.

"What is wrong?" He asked caringly.

"I am beginning to wonder if I am not the one they are coming for!" I growled low.

He looked at me in utter confusion as he shook his head. No, he began to think that was a ridiculous thing to think. Why would they want her? I spun on my feet and began running towards the woods as my thoughts began to overwhelm me as my breath came out labored and sporadic. 

The heavy footfalls behind me made me aware of Brent in pursuit of me as I could tell he was growing closer by the moment.

"Jenna, stop! What are you thinking, why would this pack be after you...it makes no sense! Packs tend to attack weaker packs for resources and lands, perhaps this Alpha wants the mountain lands for himself." Brent called out behind me.

I slowed my frantic bolt from the meeting as I reached the stream's edge as I dropped to my knees as a crushing sensation fell upon me. Could I be the reason my pack was going to be destroyed, werewolves being killed, young being motherless? 

Those ideas were totally unacceptable to me. Tears filled my eyes as my face dropped into my hand as I could feel my body tremble with every sob. Brent arrived at my side as he dropped to the ground engulfing me in his arms as I buried my face against his chest.

"Is this all my fault?" I asked.

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