Imminent Danger

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"I'm not taking her from you, I would like to hug my daughter knowing that she is safe and protected

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"I'm not taking her from you, I would like to hug my daughter knowing that she is safe and protected." He spoke harshly.

   I looked up to Brent as he nodded to me, I stood up and wrapped my arms around my dad knowing things were going to change but hoped we all could stay like this...together, happy, and family. When my dad let me go, I sat back down in the chair below Brent. My dad walked back behind his desk sitting in his chair, pulling it to the desk as he sat tall like the Alpha he is.

   "The stories of this pack are that they are vicious and the strongest one in the country. If they want something, they invade and take it without question or compromise. If he is coming to take our pack, we do not have enough warriors to stop them. Our only hope is to get those who we can relocated to somewhere safe away from our pack lands. What we know of this Alpha is he kills for the sport and pleasure of it, he takes young males and mid aged males as warriors. He also takes the females of the pack, we never have heard exactly what he has done with them, but I am sure it is not anything good. He is ruthless and feared by all packs." My dad responded.

   My father's eyes hazed as if he fell back into the past as he began telling us what occurred.

   "It was many years ago; I was contacted by the Shadow moon pack which were tipped off about this supposed Alpha that was heading for them. The Shadow moon pack has been friends with our pack as long as I can remember, my father had been the one who formed the bonds between the packs. Yet, about ten years ago they heard of a young Alpha who had taken over a pack from his father on his eighteenth birthday. I wish I could remember his was something like...John or... oh wait I got is Alpha Johnathan Barron. That's his name!

   Well in any case they had heard he had stepped out against his own father about how things would be done and as the rumor goes this new Alpha was on a war path. He was seeking to not only take the land but slaughter anyone he deemed un-useful to him or his pack. As the story goes, he challenged his own father because of what his father wanted him to do was totally opposite of what he wanted. His own father reached out to the Shadow moon pack warning them of his sons' decision to come for their pack. He apologized for his sons' actions but that there was nothing he could do against him. He did tell them to re-enforce the boarders and gather everyone they possibly could because his son was as he put it 'he was out of his ever- loving mind.'

   Well, the Alpha of Shadow moon pack is a friend, his name is Chandler Simpson. Perhaps I should clarify, he was a good friend of mine...he was killed by this Alpha who invaded. One of the survivors is now part of our own pack, her name is Tabby Sanders. She barley survived her parents had slipped her out the back way of their home just as warriors kicked their door in. She saw everything though; she still is traumatized by what occurred on that day. When she arrived, her she had crossed our boarders covered in blood collapsing just inside of our boarder. Our warriors found her and brought her to the doctor as warriors stood by incase of any incident.

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