Lycan's? and What are They??

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     I noticed I had slept most of the day away, not surprising now that we have visitors who are up all night. I have to admit last night was fun, except me wanting to rip their heads of for touching my mate. I can feel my cheeks heating up just thinking about me shifting and growling at all of them and snapping. I am glad they were good hearted about it though. It could have made the situation awfully bad if they didn't take it with a good heart. Damien is is it he doesn't have a mate? He is dashing to say the least. I know Johnathan had spoken to them about what they want to do, and how to achieve it. 

   Brent filled them in about the fence, and such. We had scouts out right now to see if there were any weakness's in their perimeter. Crystal was stirring as was Lacey...they wanted to run and hunt. I knew this was going to get bloody. I laughed but I knew the boys were discussing things with Damien, Sebastian, and Nathaniel. I so needed to take a run though. I walked to the dining room to see if they were in there. Of course, they were, all huddled together talking strategies. I walked in noticing Natasha, Natalie, and Christine sitting at the other end looking like they were bored out of their minds. I walked up to Johnathan grasping his arm lightly, he turned and noticed concern on my face.

     "I really need to go for a run and hunt...Crystal and Lacey are needing out." I told him.

    Johnathan nodded as he began stepping away from the table, I shook my head no. I didn't want him to stop the preparations for the attack. That was important to make sure we had everything ready to go when the time arrives.

    "Can Christina, Natasha, and the girls come with me? You guys need to get this done. I know you won't let me go alone, but what if they come with me?" I asked him.

He nodded as he looked to Brent to see what he thought, Brent nodded as well. I skipped to the end of the table with a happy smile, as I reached the other end of the table, they all looked up at me confused.

     "Want to go for a run and hunt? My wolf and Lycan need to be let out to run and hunt. I know the guys won't let me go alone...want to come?" I asked.

     They all smiled as they stood up and began walking out of the room as they nodded to their mates. I whispered I love you through the link to the guys, they sent back if you need us call. I knew we would be fine, but I loved their worry over me. As we walked out the front door, the cool crisp air caressed over my skin. As I looked up into the sky the moon was full. I had to laugh the old stories of werewolves and Lycan's and the full moon. I rolled my eyes. I decided I would let Lacey out first; she is even much larger than the girls, but I bet they could keep pace with me. I have heard vampires are amazingly fast.

     I shifted as Lacey took control. She looked up at the girls as she nodded towards the treelined. They followed Lacey as lacey began to run stretching her legs out as she felt the cold soil under her feet. There was nothing like this feeling of the soil under us, the cool crisp air filling our lungs as it blows our fur in the breeze. I smiled and felt so happy we were running as fast as we can, and the girls were running by my side. I loved having someone to run with. Christina seemed to keep close to me as Natasha and the girls played zooming in and out of the trees.

    Lacey stopped running, she smelt something on the air, Christina and the girls joined us where we were standing. I knew she needed to hunt smelt like a buck was close by. I decided to creep towards the stream that was just a few yards away. As we walked quietly closer to the water, we noticed several deer drinking from it. I grinned and looked at them. They nodded at me they began stalking closer to the water as well, staying close to me. We all nodded at each other as we bolted out of the bushes, I was amazed at how fast they were, yet I was no slacker myself. I had sprinted towards the deer as its head looked up my jaws were already around its throat taking it down. 

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