Truth Revealed

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       As Cliff and I became untangled from one another we both grinned as we walked to the bathroom

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       As Cliff and I became untangled from one another we both grinned as we walked to the bathroom. I noticed he wasn't letting me out of his sight.

      "Do I have to worry about you not letting me out of my sight too?" I asked as I laughed halfheartedly.

     He nodded his head in an almost arrogant way; I knew right then it was going to feel like I was on lockdown with all of them. The grin that spread across his face was of pure triumph of claiming what rightfully was his as his eyes seemed to sparkle to life. Remembering that Damien claimed me as his as well. A low rumble left from Cliffs chest; my eyes widened as I smiled softly. It was weird I could feel a pang in my own chest, but it wasn't me, it was from Cliff. An apologetic look crossed my face as I looked to the ground. He walked up to me lifting my gaze to his as sparks surged through his fingers to my face. It was firm but gently as he shook his head no, then telling me it was alright in my head. How is it possible I love this man more than anything or everything else? I thought I felt like this regarding Johnathan, but this is on a whole new level!

     Cliff started the shower as he slid the door open as the water had become hot as steam began to billow from the open door. Beads of water showed as shiny little droplets along everything, I smiled at the sight.  He nodded to me as I walked towards the shower, he stepped in first taking my hand following him into it. He began washing me, gently as the sensation of his hands gliding of my bare flesh sent surges of pleasure coursing through me. As I quickly washed my hair. It was nice to have my shampoo again, my vanilla scented one at that...since this is where I grew up. He rinsed us off, then he stepped out of the shower shining in all his glory. I noticed he had a towel waiting for me outstretched  as I walked out of the shower as I stepped forward into it. 

He wrapped me up in the fluffy and soft towel, as he reached for another towel for my hair. I smiled as I took it leaning forward flipping my hair forward so I could dry it, as I felt his finger running over my new mark at the base of my neck. I grinned as it sent sparks through me. The surge of wanting flowed through me as I turned to look at him as a low wanting growl released from me. He grinned as I could see he could go for more as well, I wish we had time. I rolled my eyes as I smiled at him. 

As I finished drying myself, he had already dried himself and slipped on some sweats he had brought into my room. He had walked to my dresser and pulled out some clothes for me setting them on the bed. As I got dressed, I felt amazing, so much better than I had...weird to say I even felt stronger than I had before. 

    Remembering what Cliff said, I am am I supposed to be a mom? I don't know much about kids...I pretty much was one still myself. I know I want children and to be honest...I wanted this baby. His baby! Cliff took my hand as the tingles began as I grinned at him with love. 

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