Jameson's Pack lands

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Hi all, there are 2 chapters left along with with bonus chapter. I do hope you have enjoyed the book so far.  

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     My eyes closed against his neck, as the breeze whistled by us

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     My eyes closed against his neck, as the breeze whistled by us. Heavy footfalls of the wolves filling the forest pounding on the damp ground in the direction of our enemy. I fell asleep on Cliff's back as he continued to run, Damien I am sure was making sure I didn't fall from his back as he ran beside him. As I woke, I felt us still running, it felt like this was going to take forever...I linked Cliff asking him if we have teams close by to Jameson's land for wounded and such. He advised me we had teams prepared, medical and all was ready. The trucks had arrived while we were running, they have already set up camp about a half mile from his lands. So, we will go there and rest for a few hours before we attack Jameson. I felt a little better about that since they all had been running for so long.

    "No worries love, there is food set up for everyone along with tents so everyone can rest as well. We will still do it tonight. It is still incredibly early; we want to let everyone rest a touch before we take them over. Which means you need to eat, drink and rest as well love. I promise we will not leave without you, so you have no worries." Cliff answered through the link.

     I laid back down and basked in my mates' warm fur against me as I passed back into slumber once more. When I felt two arms lifting me from him, I jumped not sure who was touching me. My eyes snapped open as I saw Damien's dark eyes and little grin.

    "Your fine my pet, I was just going to lay you down and cover you with a blanket. Your kind of cold...you're feeling like me more and more." He joked.

    I rolled my eyes at him as I rested my head on his chest as I heard Cliff shifting back to his human form and following us into the tent. There were cots lined up in the tent, many were already filled with a man or woman who were resting. I noticed part of the tent tarped off, as Damien slid it to the side revealing a full bed, sheets, blanket and even pillows. He walked me over setting me on the bed, bending down reaching into a trunk pulling out a comforter and tossing it over me.

   "Rest pet, we will be in shortly and curl up with you. So, no hogging the bed!" He laughed out.

   I thought I was actually going to be left alone for once since we mated while my mates had to do whatever they needed to do. Yet as I snuggled into the pillow, I heard someone come in and pull a chair near the bed, I opened my eyes to see Cliff sitting straighter than an amazing god statue looking at me with such love and admiration. I smiled sweetly at him wondering why he was in here with me when I knew he had things he needed to attend too.

  "Love, why are you in here with me? I know you have things that need to be done for the attack." I whispered sleepily.

   "I will not leave you alone, not for a moment. If one of them are not with you I shall be, I will never chance you baby. I know they wouldn't either, but I instructed them on what needed to be accomplished to be fully prepared for hours from now. They shall be coming in to join us in a while now rest my sweet." He whispered lovely.

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