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    All our warriors came into our new pack land, yes it was mine, now it is ours

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    All our warriors came into our new pack land, yes it was mine, now it is ours. We sent warriors out to make sure that all of Jameson's warriors had left. I know Jameson is going to be a problem, well he will find out in about twenty minutes that we are Lycan's. Then I am sure he will connect the dots between what his warriors saw and the old Prophies. Well, that is if he is smart enough. The boys shifted back into their human form as I saw all the gashes and wounds, they both received in their fight. I asked one of the women to get the medical kit so I could tend to them. Large gashes from Jonathan's claws running from left collarbone to right lower abdomen of Brent. My heart left when I saw this, I didn't want to lose my mate when I thought back to when we were sitting in the library. I smiled realizing they can't die, even if they try and kill each other unless I die apparently. Well, that wasn't happening anytime soon so. That made me feel a little bit better I must admit, these two I think will be fighting things out. I knew we needed to get some rest so we could begin getting things situated, the trucks would arrive in roughly a week. We needed to go shopping for provisions considering we had several hundred warriors and the pack mates as well we needed food for.

    As the night grew closer, I watched as Brent and Johnathan were dragging fallen trees from the forest. They both were trying to outdo one another and see who could get the biggest logs. I sat there laughing to myself as I watched them...they started throwing all the logs into a pile as they set it ablaze. The flames flickering, and dancing in the breeze. I felt someone was watching me, I looked around to see who was near me when no one could be seen. As my eyes ran along the tree line, I noticed that there were two glowing eyes within the woods. Would Jameson try something knowing I am a Lycan as are my mates? I linked the boys and they darted over taking their places next to me, checking around as I noticed Johnathan linking someone. Cliff shifted mid run, clothes shredding and landing on the ground as his gray wolf bolted for the tree line. Cliff was the strongest warrior outside of Johnathan. He was the most trusted among all his warriors. He was very tall and muscular, he stood like a statue and it amazes me he does not have a mate. His dark hair tussled and pushed back from his face; his blue eyes were like ice. He was an extremely serious man, but I have seen glints of a playful type of guy. Especially when he asked Johnathan if he had gotten a love bite.

   A growl resonated from the tree line as we began to hear a fight going on. Johnathan and Brent both ran towards the noise. I began to run after them when I felt someone grab ahold of me, I spun looking to see who it was. The man that was snarling at me grasped my wrists and began trying to drag me in the opposite direction of my mates. My Lycan let a growl rip through my teeth as I shifted on the spot...teeth bore and snapping at the man who dared touch me. He began to grab for me again thinking that would stop me, as I swiped my hand at his mid-section slashing it open with my razor-sharp claws. Blood and other things began seeping from the wound. Was that his intestines? Eww.... well remind me to do it elsewhere or not go so deep. Yes, I know normally this wouldn't bother me in the least, but at the moment it made me feel ill. The ran still reached for my Lycan I snarled and latched onto his throat, sinking my teeth in deeply into the side of this yank.

   That is all it took, as the flesh was torn from him, blood began to spray out of his neck...the man's eyes wide in terror. I am not going to play and let someone think they can just attack me or try to take me from my mates. Not happening! I will kill every single person who tries to part us. As the man grabbed for his throat blood seeped from under his blood covered fingers. His dark brown eyes locking with mine, as he realized what he had done. His eyes rolled back into his head as his body fell limp on the ground. I heard another snarl from the tree line from the direction the man must have come from. 

   Did they bring the whole pack or just some scouts? I wondered. Johnathan and Brent finally emerged from the tree line covered in blood...their tall forms and spectacular builds were amazing. Their muscles rippling as they strode up to me. They scanned me over noticing another male's scent on me as they both let a growl out. Johnathan pulled me into him as he looked at the body, which was now laying on the grass, blood soaking down into the ground. Makes for easy clean up, just add water I thought. I giggled to myself as Johnathan's and Brent's expressions were serious. They knew as I did that the prophies were correct. They would come for me.

   Johnathan let out a growl knowing that others will come for me. They wanted whatever ability they think I may have. I didn't even know what I had so how would that benefit them at won't! Did Jameson think I would just go along with whatever he wanted.... I am not a side show attraction. I am sure I could be in the human world; I have heard about the side show attractions that use to travel with fairs across the country. Yet, I am a Lycan...and I am beginning to feel pride in being one.

     "Little mate, are you alright? Where did that werewolf even come from?" He asked.

   "I am alight, just a bit queasy at the moment. I am not sure why, but when I slashed at everything began to ooze out of him hanging loose from his gut, my stomach churned. Normally that wouldn't affect me.... this time it did." I answered.

   They both looked at me like something was majorly wrong...yes, I am for a good disemboweling any day of the week...NOT today! What was wrong with me? I looked to my mates with a confused expression, asking silently for them to help in some form. To figure it out or fix me. They both grinned at each other then back to me. What did they know that I didn't?

   "Little mate, how long have you been feeling like this?" Johnathan asked.

   "I don't know, it just happened. I feel fine other wards just hot!" I replied.

They both inhaled deeply smelling it, I was about to go into heat. This should be interesting.

   "Little mate, I think you are about to go into heat...shortly. That is why your stomach is feeling that way and you're beginning to feel hot. The heat will cause you to feel like you're burning up, and only your mates can calm that burning urge. Lucky for you, you have two of us." He chuckled, as he looked towards Brent.

   I remembered hearing my mother telling me about being in heat, she said she craved my father insanely...not just him touching her, but sexually. That was the only thing that would help calm the burning feeling once it started. As she described it, it was a mindless passion that surges over you that demands your mate quench. Yet, she also mentioned with my father he had a hard time keeping up with her heat since it was just him. She said typically it is easier with more than one male, to quench it. Only one would have a hard time.... which I am guessing my father did. Wait a min...eww I just realized my mom was having sex talk about her and my dad. I so did not need to realize this. I am sure when it does come my mates can handle me, or so I hope. I don't want another male involved. Not that my mates would allow that...well unless they became despite, I guess.

   I rather not think of that at all to be honest. I only need my mates...that's all. My mom described it as not being able to get enough sex and she became crazed as if it wasn't her any longer just an animalistic part of her demanding to be sated. I so did not want to think of myself like that.

A crazed sex fiend that's what heat turns us females into...sigh.

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