Fly High

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      I opened my eyes to see my mate looking down on me as if he had been watching me sleeping the whole trip

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      I opened my eyes to see my mate looking down on me as if he had been watching me sleeping the whole trip. I felt my body stiff and I straightened up and stretched as he grinned at me. I was on top of his lap and I could see he was having some issues considering his member was pressing against my jeans as I sat against him. I grinned at him and rolled my eyes, he pleaded with me through his eyes for some form of release. I widened my eyes and looked around to see all the seats around us occupied by warriors and his beta and on top of it all, My father! Oh goddess, I could imagine what my father would do if I dropped to my knees in front of my mate. I think he would have a stroke.

       "No dad is sitting right over there." I told my mate through our link.

      He grinned at me and raised his eyebrow; he was plotting I could tell. The man had no qualms about grabbing my hair and having me get to my knees as he slides himself between my lips and bobs my head up and down along his large member. I on the other hand have an issue with it considering others being on the plane as well. I know this plane was his personal one, he uses for the pack...I bet he has something here which I bet I will find out looking at his determined expression.

    Johnathan patted the seat next to him, I slid off his lap noticing his member pressing firmly against the binds of his jeans. I grinned biting my lip knowing he had to be uncomfortable to say the least. I giggled as I know he must be wanting to adjust himself. He brushed his hand down over his large bulge in his pants trying to move it a bit. He pressed his tongue to his k9 and took a deep breath in, as his eyes flashed with something. I knew I was in trouble at that very moment. He stood up as everyone looked directly at him which made it even harder for me to stifle my laugh. I couldn't help it I broke out into giggles as everyone raised an eyebrow trying to figure out what was going on. They looked their Alpha over to see if something was wrong when their eyes landed on his pants. They all seemed to begin grinned at him as if they were finding this very amusing. I am thankful my father didn't look over. My face would have become redder than it already was, after they had looked at their Alpha their eyes automatically went to me. Oh, heaven save me ...I am in trouble and I know it. 

   My mate stepped out into the center isle of the plane grasping my hand and pulling me to my feet, as he tugged me down the path towards the back of the plane. What was he thinking, there are others here...I wasn't going to do this with others right there! As we arrived towards the back of the plane, I noticed a wall with a door. I let out a sigh and shook my head, of course he would have a room separate from the main part, how many females has he had in here I wonder.

    "How many women have you had here with you? In your private little room pleasing you?" I asked him with a harsh look.

   "None, I have never brought someone on the plane with me. I never kept any female around...everything was sleep with them and leave. If you want me to be honest, yes, I have been with a lot of women. I wanted nothing more than an outlet to screw." He answered emotionless.

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