Mind, heart, body, or Soul? Which ones right?

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 Please do me a favor, please vote, comment, I love to hear from those who read my stories. I enjoy the feedback.

~I added content to this chapter...I do hope you enjoy the additions. 

   I knew as my father's eyes locked with mine that I had some explaining to do

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   I knew as my father's eyes locked with mine that I had some explaining to do... I knew the floor was calmer than looking up into his eyes. My eyes remained on the floor as I watched his feet shuffle a bit to the side facing Brent. I began to feel as if it my heart was slamming against my ribcage. Chills surged up my spine knowing my fathers gaze had shifted to me, it felt as if his eyes were boring into me. I huffed knowing me staring at the floor was not going to get his gaze to leave me. The Alpha authority radiated from him like tidal waves within a storm, sending my nerves on edge.

   "Dad, Brent was just defending me, from comments along with other things." I whispered.

   I knew he could hear me; wolves tend to hear even the things we wished they hadn't. I looked up to meet his gaze, his face hard, famous style of an Alpha. His eyebrows furrowed further as I saw his nostrils flaring showing he was beyond pissed off. I had only ever seen my dad this mad once before in my life. After a moment he let out a big sigh, as his expression softened as his eyes never left mine.

   "What do you mean defending you, along with other things, Jenna?" He questioned sternly.

   I could see he was trying his utmost best to control his rage that surged through him like a wildfire in the forest. I reached out for a chair, sitting down on it resting my back firmly against the back of the chair. He stood there looking at me as he suddenly crossed his arms across his broad chest as if he were settling in for a long story.

     My brain racked trying to figure out how to explain this to a father who has temper issues, who could snap with a single word. I knew I had to choose my words wisely to prevent him from storming out of the room, shifting as he darted to the hospital to physically shred Samuel. He is a very protective Alpha...even more so over his little girl. I knew in the light of what occurred my mother would mention my comment from earlier this morning to my father. Then he would really know what was going on. With an inward grumble knowing I would have to tell him the truth or it would come to bite me in the backside.

"Some of the students harass me, they make very lude comments regarding me. This morning was one of those mornings...Brent stepped up and placed his hand at my lower back, we went to class, etc. Yes, Brent and I let ourselves get a little closer than we have before, which seemed to have made Samuel irate, because he knew the statement he made would never happen." I spoke quietly.

      I shook my head slightly knowing no matter what I said he would have an issue when it came to Samuel's actions. I couldn't spare him my protection when all he wanted to do was take mine from me. I glanced at Brent seeing his jaw gaping wide, as his father raised an eyebrow directed at his son. I could see both of their minds running like a wild wolf within the woods. They both could smell Brent's scent on me I am sure and were more than curious just to how that developed. Brent let out a low growl as he looked at his father and his Alpha, taking a deep breath I could tell he was about to let it all spill. My eyes grew wide looking at Brent, knowing what he was about to do.

   "As we walked close to the school this morning, Samuel made a comment regarding Jenna! And I quote: I would so love to get ahold of that piece, I would have so much fun showing her who is in charge. She thinks she is tough; I want to be the one to break her...mm" As I continued. "I was not about to let him think he stood a chance even getting near her, so I placed my hand on her lower back as to say She's MINE...I had hoped that would have been the end of it. Yes, I know my scent is heavy on Jenna right now, we umm.... well, we...Kissed." Brent let escape his lips.

   I thought in that very moment my heart would explode, knowing he was so forthright and honest in his actions. Even one which could get him mangled and mauled by his Alpha, my sweet dear old dad. I couldn't believe he told my dad we kissed... my gaze left Brent and went to our parents. My eyes bulged as I saw the expression that crossing their faces, I didn't know how to exactly interpret them. They both sat there grinning with their eyebrows raised, had they plotted between themselves hoping Brent and I would end up mated?

   "Thank you for being honest with us, I will not deny I want to rip Samuel limb from limb. Thank you for protecting my little girl, caring about her more than yourself. You will make a good mate." My father spoke with a smirk.

      My eyes grew huge, wait did he just imply Brent should be my mate? My breathing became ragged not sure what to think, this is not the reaction I had expected. I looked at our parents as you could see their eyes dim as if they were having a personal conversation between themselves. I heard a small giggle leave Brent; I couldn't help but snicker at my father's comment. Could they honestly be serious? Had they planned this all our lives? There was no way for them to know if we were true mates, we didn't even know as of yet.

   My birthday was still a few months away, where I would then be eighteen and my senses would attune to the next step in a wolf's life. The sense of knowing if one was their mate, the one who was meant just for them. The moon goddess had set everything into motion eons ago, would she bless Brent as my mate? Honestly, my mind and body wanted Brent even now true mate or not. Yet, my heart and soul cried out for our true mate...the one who would totally complete me. The one who would give everything to their dying breath to be at my side, to protect me and to love everything about me. Our parents  looked down upon us with their grins which was very eerie to say the least. These two grinning, who would have through; I thought my father was born with a stone face not to mention Brent's fathers which never seemed to smile.

"If you two choose to be mates, remember in a few months you truly will know, Jenna. I do not want to see you heart broken if you are not true mates. Yet, this is a decision you both need to make together. It will not be an easy one, especially if you ever cross paths with your true mates. We will not stand in the way of you two, we kind of have been hoping you were since you were around two and inseparable. We know Brent will protect you and love you. He proved that to us today with his actions. If you so choose one another as mates, you have our approval." My father rambled out.

   Brent and I looked at one another now knowing our parents have been secretly plotting behind our backs, or well at least hoping. I could only grin at them as if they were three-year old's who just let their secret slip out.

   "Just one question...Brent do you love Jenna? I do not mean as your best friend. Jenna do you love Brent?" He spoke with a wide smirk.

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