Those Eyes

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He thrust back into me hard as he reached forward grabbing me as he pulled me forward sinking his elongated teeth into the crook of my neck, as a loving growl came with it

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He thrust back into me hard as he reached forward grabbing me as he pulled me forward sinking his elongated teeth into the crook of my neck, as a loving growl came with it. I cried out in pain for a moment until the pure pleasure hit me, he pulled his head back as his deep growling voice broke through everything. MINE was all that escaped his lips as we both released at the same time. As his seed burst from him deep within me, our trembling bodies laid together, he ran his tongue along his mark. It sent chills and passion through me. The mark healing instantly I buried my face into his neck as I wrapped my arms around him knowing I wanted to be no where else but within his arms. He pulled my head back as he looked deep within my eyes. I noticed his eyes had calmed and it was Brent once again as he caressed my cheek with his hand.

   "You are mine Jenna, and only mine, my mate. I love you more than anything. I will protect you as such." Brent spoke lovely.

   I felt that primal feeling still at the surface wanting to claim what was ours as well, I looked at him with a grin as I grabbed the back of his neck yanking him forward until my mouth was at the crook of his neck. Sinking my elongated teeth deeply into his hot skin, I felt myself at the point of release again as his hot blood ran into my mouth. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as my body trembled and my back arched. I felt as I was where I belonged, where I was always meant to be.

   "As you are my mate, I love you, as I always have." I whispered with a moan.

   I knew as Brent fully claimed me, I finally realized that we all have primal within us. Yet, most never get to experience it. The pure passion, aggression and love that is held within that state...the possessiveness and protectiveness surged like it had a life of its own. The pure aggressiveness that flowed through us, enjoyed bringing pain to one another, but the pleasure mixed with it deliciously. I knew we would have to be careful because if others came near either of us it could result in a blood bath. He pulled the blanket which was pushed to the end of the bed over us, as we wrapped to one another tightly. 

   Marked, and mated to one another, the feeling was unlike anything I have ever felt. It truly went deeper than any true mate bond ever could, this was deeper than just souls being bound, it was our entire being, souls, heart, mind, and body all as one. I felt my eye lids growing heavy as I buried my face in his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around me. We both passed into slumber, our scent as one... heavy within the room which was calming. The eyes still plaguing my dreams, now they were harsh, angry as those black eyes rimmed in red seemed to surge as if they wanted to tear me or something apart. I didn't understand until those eyes went to that one point; I remember which originally had me so aroused.

   "You're not his! YOUR MINE!" Boomed within my head.

   The sheer threat within that voice scared me awake as I jumped up. Brent sat up as if he were expecting an attack looking around to see what made me jump. He looked at me as my eyes were wide with fear, and I was trembling knowing that whoever held those eyes was more than furious at me, and Brent. How could eyes from my dream know we marked and mated with one another?

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