Enlightening the True Alpha

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    Cliff looked at me and grinned realizing exactly how hungry I really was

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    Cliff looked at me and grinned realizing exactly how hungry I really was. I had taken a burger from the plate slapping it on a bun then I pulled some lettuce and tomatoes from fridge, slicing the very ripe red tomato and ripping off a hand full of lettuce from the head. Piling it all on my burger, as I took a large bite into it, as I moans out audibly as I finished the bite, I felt a content sigh escape me as Cliff laughed. He knew I was hungry after everything that occurred last night. I offered him a burger and he shook his head no, I felt he needed to eat but I wasn't going to force him. 

   I smiled at him as I continued devouring my burger. When I had finished, I felt much better, my stomach no longer felt as if it wanted to devour itself. I heard the hushed whispers from the living room stop as I heard footsteps coming in our direction. The floorboards creaking under their feet, I knew this house was older, but I so loved it. I looked over to see Damien and Johnathan walking into the kitchen, both with concern written on their faces. I furrowed my eyebrows at them wondering what they were concerned about now. They walked over towards us taking a seat on the stools on the other side of the kitchen island. I smiled softly at them as they gave me half smiles. Oh boy here we go.

    "Are you alright?" Johnathan asked me.

    I nodded as I wondered what they had discussed in the other room. I was too busy quieting my stomachs protests to lack of food. I watched as the men awkwardly sat upon the stools looking from one to another. Were they having a conversation without me? How rude! I am the one who is going to be watched like a hawk now that I am pregnant. I knew that they wouldn't let me follow through with my plans, unless I could get away from them to do it.

    I saw all their heads shoot in my directions, their eyes sharp and disapproving. Oh, great now I have all of them in my head, but how? How could Damien be in my head, he is a vampire not a werewolf. He didn't share pack links like we do. Damien raised his eyebrow to me daring me to continue that thought. My mouth gaped open as a grin crossed his face. I bit my lip wondering if he could listen to my thoughts. I must test this out I thought as I laughed inwardly.

   My mind began to wonder to where he asked if he could mark me as his mate, just the thought of it made my breath hitch. I blew my breath out as I closed my eyes as the thoughts ran through my head, taking my lip between my teeth biting down on it. I feel myself yearning for him. The memories were amazing, and I would not trade them for anything. I heard a stool scrape on the tile flooring as footsteps walked towards me.

    "Oh, I so enjoyed your response to me when I asked as well. You taste divine my pet." Damien spoke, now standing with his lips to my ear.

     My cheeks heated as I felt my blood flow to them, I will say this, the feeling of him feeding from me oh my. I did not want him to stop, my passion and desire surged as his teeth punctured through my flesh. As he drank me, yes, the pain was not pleasant but what started moments after was breath taking. My eyes were still shut as I felt Damien's hand wrap around my waist pulling me against his cool hard chest. I could feel how he felt, it meant as much to him as it had me. He had never marked anyone before, I was shocked to realize I am the first. He placed a kiss on my mark as he grinned at me and walked back over to the stool. He sat down as Johnathan watched my reactions, I guess, he knew Damien influenced me greater than he had expected. Johnathan looked over to Cliff, as he returned the look.

          "If you have something to say brother just say it." Cliff spoke.

    "I am just trying to figure out how this could have happened, how we never knew. I won't lie I am not pleased what our father has done. He will pay with his life when I arrive back to our lands." Johnathan deadpanned.

    "First, I am the one not happy about this brother, I am finding out I have a brother after my whole life thinking I was an only child. I was raised thinking I was a beta when in fact I am the rightful Alpha of the pack. I know there is information you had kept from me, yes as an Alpha I could understand you keeping it from your beta, but I am in all rights...Your Alpha, John." Cliff retorted.

  Johnathan looked as if someone had punched him in the face, he couldn't believe his brother just said that to him. He knew Cliff was right, but it still stung knowing that he was the first born even if it was only by minutes. A deep growl rose from Johnathan's mouth as his eyes began to change.

  "I am not trying to put you down in the least brother, you are a particularly good Alpha. I know you have kept things about this Alpha Jameson from me, if it has to do with our mate I need to know now. Yes, I said our mate...I know she is all our mate, and we need to ensure her safety. I know she wants to take the life of this Alpha. I would rather see us help her achieve this rather than have her trying to run off to do it herself, we all have a pup to look out for. Regardless of me being the pups' father, you all are her mates as well...we will all be raising it as a family. So, it is our pup. That goes for you as well Damien and Brent...where is Brent?" Cliff asked.

I looked up and he had not walked into the kitchen, I walked towards the living room to find him sitting in front of the fireplace looking lost in his thoughts. I walked up to him sitting down on his lap as his head snapped up to look at me.  His eyes full of hurt and sadness it tore at my heart to where I wanted to take all his worries and sadness away. He wrapped his arm around me holding me to him.

    "That was supposed to be our pup, Jenna. I remember we planned on having a family and pups and being happy. What happened? I know you gained other mates also...but I still want you to have my pups. I am in love with you...I have been since we were children. I whispered through our link, that I wanted to have his pups also. I also told him he would be a father to this pup as well...they all would." I whispered to him.

   He looked up with his normal glow to his cheeks at the thought of being a father to this pup as well. I linked him telling him Johnathan was filling Damien and Cliff in on Alpha Jameson and he should be there to help with any information. He grinned at me as he slid one arm behind my back and the other under my thighs and picked me up in the air as he stood. As we arrived back in the kitchen, I noticed Cliff seemed he wanted to know something imperative to the situation. Brent set me down on a stool next to Damien and sat down on the other side of me.

     "Alright so what is this Alpha's deal? What is he after and why now?" Cliff asked.

     "Well, he wants our mate to be quite frank...he wants to possess what he thinks she is capable of." John answered.

     Cliff looked at him like he was not understanding what he meant by what our mate possess'. What could she possess outside of our child, the thought ran through his head? I knew Cliff was going to lose his shit when he found out the truth. I may not be the one who gets to kill him if he lost control of his Lycan. His eyes kept shifting from their normal color to pitch black, as if he was fighting against his Lycan to remain in control. We all could see how Cliff was trying to control his Lycan, he hasn't known of it for long, but it was stronger than theirs. As for mine, I am not sure...I am sure mine would submit to him.

   "What does our mate possess that he wants? Do not hold anything back from me John, I need to know." Cliff growled out in a rage.

Johnathan looked to me as I nodded for him to tell him everything, we know this far regarding the prophecy and what it says. He looked at his brother knowing this could go badly if his Lycan loses control.

    "Well, it all began when we realized we both were Lycan's, I had an underground bunker made to protect our pack. It is a whole compound, well in the safe in my office I have an old book. In that book there is a prophecy about the return of Lycan's and the Queen. The first born female Lycan and her mates, which it mentioned two...which makes me think we didn't look far enough into it. It states the Alpha female Lycan will be the Queen over all werewolves with her mates at her sides. It also mentioned the Alpha female would possess abilities, and if I am remembering it correctly which could destroy everything with her abilities. Jenna doesn't know what ability it is referring to; she has not come into it yet. Yet, I am guessing that Alpha Jameson has heard of the prophecy as well if he is wanting our mate. He had someone try and grab her while you went after the one in the woods, that night. She killed him remember?" John informed.

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