Within the dark

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   As Brent carried me down the long hallway to my bedroom door I wondered if this was really the place for us to be able to be with one another without freaking our families out. If we were to go primal and things became overly aggressive would we have people kicking my door in? I wondered. With a sigh I knew this was not something I could help; I wanted my mate more than breathe. He reached my door noticing my father had already fixed it, I smiled knowing he must have known how things were going. Brent opened the door and set me down on my feet, reaching to his hair running his fingers through it as he took hold as if he were stressing. I walked up to him, standing on my tip toes to kiss him gently on his lips then to my mark.

    I could feel the pain and anguish he was going through. He was trying to think what the best course of action for him to take. If he went primal could he take on these warriors on and keep me safe. He knew he could not take them all on, and if they got the best of him, who would find me, to protect me. He growled as he punched my black and white wall, as his fist broke through the sheetrock, hitting into a stud. As he pulled his fist from the wall, I wrapped myself around him, only wanting him because I knew he would have to leave in the morning. I could see the anger, fear and frustration surging through him. I guess my father has other repairs to do, my poor wall.

   Brent took me into his arms as his hands grazed over my hips grasping onto my ass firmly pulling me into him tighter. I sighed out in pleasure as he began caressing every part of me as he reached and slid his hand between my flesh and clothing as he delved into my heated core. I felt my body lighting up to his every movement and action. My body trembled in his grasp as a wicked giggle escaped his mouth as my body trembled within his tight grasp. He continued touching, rubbing, and penetrating my hot core as moans escaped me. When something my father said popped into my brain, such a mood killer.

   Thinking back to what my father had informed us, I am not sure if we stand any chance against this Alpha if he was coming here to help the man with those eyes claim me. Would this Alpha actually help a pack member like this just to get a mate? How could an Alpha even so young be so ruthless? I know my father mentioned when that attack happened, he was young but how could his wolf be so big like she had described to my father? So many questions ran rampant within my mind. As my mind ran wild with thoughts the feeling of Brent touching me, kissing at my bare hot flesh under him my body seemed to light up under his touch. As my mind began to drift back to his actions my eyes closed feeling the utter passion I had for my mate.

   As my eyes fully closed, I had a pair of eyes staring straight into my soul as I could see the pure fury within them. As I whined out to what Brent was doing, I could tell my eyes must have reflected it as well as the eyes held rage, and fury boring into me as a whine escaped from my lips. A growl resonated through my head as the eyes never left mine as I felt the pure passion of what Brent was doing was drawing me closer to a climax. As his eyes grew even more possessive and full of rage, I could tell there was something else there but what?

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