Losing Faith

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          As I felt like every breath was knocked from my body, I wish I could curl tighter within myself

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          As I felt like every breath was knocked from my body, I wish I could curl tighter within myself. It's all my fault, kept running in my head. I could hear Lacey whimper in the back of my mind, she knew our mate was right, it was. I heard a voice I knew so well as I heard the pounding of feet running towards me, I knew it was Steph...she got within feet of me as a vicious growl ripped from the Alphas chest. Mind you I didn't need to see it; my eyes are closed tightly trying to block everything out. I heard Steph stop in her tracks and I heard her tell him she was my best friend and to let her come to me. 

     He told her, I am his mate, and no one will be going near me. I knew this was it, not only am I the one that caused the murder of my pack, but no one would be able to get close to me again. Not even my best friend, she had been there my whole life...I needed her. I was a few feet from Tiffany now, I didn't even care about her now. I heard a snarl rip through her teeth as I was welcoming to whatever she wanted to do, put me out of my mystery I thought. I felt her claw barley touch my face as I heard a growl like no other boom around us, the ground felt as though it shook beneath me. The next thing I knew I heard Tiffany's voice crack and call him by a name I hadn't heard before as I felt something whoosh by my body. Suddenly I heard the blood curdling scream of Tiffany and a loud crashing noise with soft whimpers from far away from me.

    I am not exactly sure what happened but something in me told me that Tiffany went flying, through the air and crashed back down getting hurt. I cracked my eyes open, looking straight ahead...in my peripheral vision I could see her laying on the grown in a bloody mess. She was crying out in pain as a bone was sticking out of her arm, and lacerations slicing through her flesh across her face. Then I saw him, his eyes locked on mine again, the look of pain crossed his face as if something were hurting him. Could he be feeling the agony I am in? I wondered.

      I didn't care nothing mattered anymore I failed to protect my pack, I failed to keep those I love safe and sound. In an instant I felt large arms encompass me pulling me to what felt like a solid hard bare chest. The warmth surged through me that radiated from him, his scent surrounding me...I felt my muscles ease, my pain subsides a bit. I didn't want to not feel the pain, I deserve to for what has happened. I didn't look up at him, I just set the side of my face against his chest listening to his thudding heart beat. I began to hear an engine running, did he come here in a car I wondered. I heard a voice but paid it no mind, as I heard a door open and me being carried into the vehicle

    I heard the door close, as another one opened and I felt the car begin to move, I knew things from now on were nothing. Honestly, I didn't care anymore, it felt like I lost my fight and my purpose for fighting. Come to think of it, I wonder who is tending to Tiffany she looked in unbelievably bad shape. As a voice broke my inner monologue.

    "She will be fine, she will heal...she should not have advanced on my mate!" He retorted to my thoughts.

I let a sigh escape through my lips not knowing if I really cared one way or the other if she would be alright, it is the Luna part of me, I think. I was trained to be a Luna and caring about your pack and others was our job. Yet why would I care anything about her, insane I thought.

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