Solace Lake Pack

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   As the limo bounce along the bumps of the road which now has turned into a dirt one with the sound of rock pinging along the undercarriage of the car

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   As the limo bounce along the bumps of the road which now has turned into a dirt one with the sound of rock pinging along the undercarriage of the car. I watched as I did not see any warriors protecting the entrance of the pack thus far. I sighed knowing this pack may have not taken the proper precautions to secure their boarders or the pack for that matter. I sighed knowing this may be a lot more effort and work than we were prepared to offer this pack. I noticed Cliff's eyes were locked in place realizing he was linking someone, considering we were just starting to come into the pack he most likely reached out to a warrior.

   "Do you want us to go first, or do you all want to make the first contact with this Alpha?" Cliff asked Sebastian.

   "Since he sent this wolf to come find you four lead the way, we will be there with you though. Perhaps he will trust you more than he will us considering you are werewolves after all." Sebastian answered.

   Cliff nodded as I noticed small houses along the tree lines with several walking around, but they didn't look happy, nor did they look as if they were in great shape. Could there be other issues here as well along with a security issue? Damien looked to me after he noticed the wolves that were walking around out in the open within the pack. I think we both were thinking the same things, they shouldn't look skinny...well not this skinny. Their complexions were pale like they lacked nutrition and daylight alike.

    I felt rage already building within me knowing these werewolves looked as if they were starving and needed help. How could an Alpha allow his pack members to become like this? A deep growl ripped from me as I looked as I noticed a small child sitting on the ground so tiny as her collar bones protrude along with her ribs...I felt my stomach flip. My mates looked at me knowing this trip has taken a whole new spin.

   "We will conduct this as if we are here only about the clan...I will send message to the warriors to come here if we feel we need to intervene for these werewolves' sakes. Is that acceptable mate?" Brent asked.

   I let a low growl escape from my lips as I nodded my head. I hate that these poor werewolves were suffering and having to be ruled by an Alpha who clearly has no conception of how to run a pack. The limo stopped in front of a massive house, it had massive white stone pillars out in front with supporting the upper balcony. The front of the house had many windows with sheer curtains covering them. 

   If this is how the Alpha is living while his pack is in no better state than a post war community which has not regained anything...there will be a major issue. I took a deep breath knowing I needed to control Crystal because she was already beginning to rage at what I saw. Johnathan opened the door as we began getting out of the car, the Valic's went before myself then I climbed out taking Johnathan's hand and Brent followed behind me. Well, here we go, I wonder if this Alpha will trigger me or Crystal with his mouth.

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