Happy Clay

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I do hope you are enjoying the story as much as I am writing it. 

         My mate continued to look at me as if he was confused or smacked across the face by something

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         My mate continued to look at me as if he was confused or smacked across the face by something. His bones began snapping and cracking as he shifted into his wolf. I felt Lacey purr out to him, a grin formed on his lips. He linked me to follow him, now what I wondered. Hadn't we done enough this morning, I was tired and wanted to rest. Lacey on the other hand wanted to run, she has felt cooped up since the school. Clay signaled to Lacey to follow him, as we both ran out of the house as we noticed many werewolves all in small groups around the center of town. It seemed like they were talking about things that had been happening in the pack, I am sure their Alpha will tell them before long. Clay bolted towards the woods behind the house, Lacey hadn't even begun to try and run, she was just trotting behind him. As Clay began to fully run, I giggled as I knew Lacey would outrun him and speed by him. Would she put on the weak wolf persona to try and make Clay more protective of her...I wonder?

    Lacey saw him bolt into the tree line, the pines were thick in the woods. She had to be careful when running at our full ability, we don't want to crash into a tree from not watching. Yes, ok I am kind of a clutz...if the stair situation didn't expose me already. I felt Lacey beginning to really stretch our legs out as she took off as a haze of sand and leaves threw up into the air behind her. As she followed Clays scent, she began to pick up speed then deciding she would let herself go and be her true self. Within seconds we were running faster than any Alpha could, no one ever has been able to keep up to me. I loved it I have to say, they would make bets to whether they could outrun me, they all failed. I began gaining on our mate faster than I think he realized, as Lacey bolted by Clay curling her lip up in a grin. She continued as she got about half a mile in front of him, she stopped and laid on the ground curling up waiting for him. Ten minutes later Clay caught up to us as he curled his lip up and let a deep growl leave between his teeth. I could feel how Lacey was surging with electric between her and Clay as well as my mate and me. I realized Clay wanted to claim his mate, I went to the back of my mind...this was between them. I had my mate, and she should have hers.

     As I sat in the background, I mind linked Johnathan...still wondering why he had that reaction when he saw my wolf.

   "Why did you look at me like that when I shifted into my wolf?" I asked through the link.

Clay was circling Lacey rubbing his face against her neck and side of her face, Lacey put her head to the ground showing submission to Clay. He seemed to enjoy this as he claimed her as his own while he bit down on her scruff. I blocked out what was going on between then concentrating on what I had asked my mate.

    "There is lore, little mate. We always thought they were just fairy tales parents told us pups to scare us to listen to them. There is a small shack about a mile more from here...the original information is there. Its not actually just a shack, there is a compound below it. My parents didn't prepare for anything, I on the other hand wanted to make sure if something happened my pack would be safe." He answered me. 

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