Could this be goodbye?

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                We finally stopped the tears and knew we had to go to his house and pack his things

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                We finally stopped the tears and knew we had to go to his house and pack his things. We had no way of knowing how long he would be out there; we knew once they left here, he could return...but to what? It helped me calm knowing that once they left with whomever they took if we could not fight them off, he would have a place to live. I knew he wouldn't be considered a rouge; he would just be waiting to rescue his pack. We didn't quite know exactly how he would manage this though. I remembered my dad telling me that there were several packs that hated this Alpha and wanted to attack him. From everything known about this Alpha he was ruthless and a murderous monster, could we fight them off? Could any pack stand against him...or if they all stood together would it be enough even then? I sighed knowing our options were slim, but Brent knew he would have to do anything and everything to get our pack back together. We climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom as Brent started the shower, I looked for the heart necklace he had given me when we were ten.

   Thinking back to the day I received the beautiful necklace from Brent, the morning started out warm and muggy. I just turned ten years old, and it was the day of my party which everyone was going to attend, our friends, family and even Brent. I was so excited knowing my best friend would be there he meant the world to me. Mr. Crandall and my parents had been working together to plan my party and have everything perfect. I had woken up so excited for my birthday I had woken up early even before the sun. I ran downstairs hoping the party would be about to happen, I had no concept of time yet really. I laughed to myself remembering how excited I was at three in the morning hoping for the party when I heard my parents sleeping.

   I sighed and couldn't sleep so I walked slowly back to my bedroom with a pout on my lips knowing I was to wide awake to go to sleep. As I plopped down on my bed I was upset and wondered why the party wasn't happening yet. I pulled open the drawer to the bedside table pulling out my yellow handled flashlight as I climbed down from my bed. I walked to the window pulling my pink curtains back flicking my flashlight on and pointing it in the direction of Brent's house. If he was awake, I knew he would see it. I wanted my best friend because I was sad thinking no one was going to come for my party.

   As I wiggled the flashlight while pointing it out of the window, I knew if he were awake, he would do the same in return. I stood there for five minutes wiggling my flashlight as the light danced in the darkness. Suddenly a similar light flickered around coming from his house. I felt my heart jump for joy that my best friend was actually awake. I gave him the signal as I clicked my flashlight on and off two times letting him know I couldn't sleep, and I wanted him to come over. I needed my friend right now, I loved him he is after all my best friend. As I watched from my bedroom window, I saw him running across the grass to our side door, which I always left unlocked for him so he could come in.

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