Rejection! ~REVISED

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Brent and I finally arrived at class as I walked into the room looking around seeing students filling the desks as I looked back to our seats and thankfully no one had sat there. We walked to the back of the classroom as I saw all the posters and such my English teacher had pinned to the walls. He was a major literary buff, anything old and romantic he thrived on and of course he liked to throw them at us as well in hopes we would find his passion for it also. Well for me, not so much.

Sinking into my chair Brent took his place directly next to me as he smiled at me. I can't believe just a short bit ago we were wrapped around one another about to mate. Thank goodness my dad bellowed through the link to pull us out of that state. Don't get me wrong I want Brent more than I can tell you but not sure I am ready for that yet...despite my body's approval. Our teacher walked into the room setting his files down on his desk as he gazed over the students already in the room. I noticed he seemed a bit off, yet I was not about to question the teacher.

Perhaps all the stress of what was to come was taking a toll on him and I knew it would be affecting everyone not just him. The truth of it all was that our pack was on the verge of destruction and without knowing what this Alpha wants our chances are slim. I turned my head to Brent as he raised his eyebrow as a visible grin crossed his face. He pulled me closer along with my chair as he wrapped his arms around me. His scent engulfed me as my desires sprang to life. How can he affect me so greatly if he wasn't my mate? Feeling myself sink into his hold I relaxed feeling my muscles ease to his touch.

As I relaxed, I noticed Samuel and his friends entering the classroom as he noticed Brent wrapped around me as a growl tore from his throat. He stormed towards the back of the room as he sank into his seat never letting his gaze stray from me. Did he honestly think I would want such a crude and disrespectful male? I felt the urge for the bathroom as I hoped the few minutes away from Brent would calm my never-ending lust for him.

"Mr. Slay, I am going to run to the restroom, and I shall be back in a moment." I informed.

Untangling from Brent I turned back and grinned at him as I began walking out of the door as I looked down the empty hallway. I walked towards the bathroom door as I began hearing sobs as I continued closer. As I pushed the door open, it became clear that the she-wolf was indeed inside the bathroom.

"Are you alright?" I called out softly.

"No! I don't want him as my mate...I can't accept him." A sob echoed within the room.

"Accept who? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Samuel is my mate; I can't be his mate he is horrific and crude. You know this better than anyone!" She cried out.

I walked further into the room as I noticed Lucy sunk down against the wall with her knees pressed tightly to her chest, arms encircling herself tightly. My heart went out to her knowing if Samuel was her mate her future was gloomy at best. I knew she would want to deny them being mates but there isn't a way to...well outside of rejecting him that is. I walked over to see as tears continued to stream down her red cheeks, lowering her head against her knees I could tell she felt totally helpless in this situation.

"What is it that you want Lucy?" I asked her curiously.

"I...I think I am going to reject him. I know he is my mate, and it will hurt us both, but I can't even imagine life with someone like him!" She sobbed out.

A small gasp escaped from me in the realization of the magnitude of what she wanted to do. Rejecting your mate was something frowned upon but in certain circumstances undeniably understandable. I reached down to help her up as she quickly ran some cold water on her face trying to soothe the bright red that had immerged upon her face from her extreme sobbing.

"Just remember you need to do what is best for you, Lucy. If that is rejecting him then so be it. You always have the ability to have a chosen mate in the future and one who will cherish you for who you are." I spoke soothingly.

She nodded her head as she gave me a small, forced smile. I knew she would need to think about it more, but time will tell what she chooses. Seeing that she was alright I used the restroom and washed my hands. She was still looking into the mirror as if she was seeking answers within it.

I nodded to her as I walked out of the bathroom towards the classroom as I began hearing growling. I knew in that instant that something was happening and I most likely was the center of the dispute. As I stepped into the classroom, I noticed Brent growling at Samuel as I began hearing what Samuel was yelling.

"You knew I wanted her!" He growled menacingly.

Brent let a true beta growl rip from him as I walked to the back of the room hoping I could defuse the situation before someone got hurt.

"She is mine, and you will leave her alone if you wish to still take a breath!" Brent growled out.

My eyes widened, realizing what Brent had just said to Samuel. He was claiming me as his own despite if we truly were mates. I placed a hand on Brent's chest trying to calm him as he grabbed ahold of me slamming me into his chest, his scent surrounding me. Oh, this werewolf knows how to find my weakness. I thought to myself. He spun as he pushed me from him gently he turned back around to face Samuel as he kept me behind himself.

"She's not your mate! I want her, and I will have her, and you surely are not going to stop me!" Samuel growled out threateningly.

My mouth gaped, realizing what Samuel was saying, which made me feel worse for Lily, I turned my head, noticing her standing within the doorway, shock wore on her face.

"I, Lucy Anna Saulison of the Moon Mountain Pack reject you Samuel George Lexington as my mate." She spoke as poison laced her words.

His face dropped in shock at what she had just said to him as realization hit him hard. His mate had just rejected him in front of everyone. A cry of pain tore through her as she crumpled to the floor Samuel groaned loudly as his attention reverted back to Brent. Apparently, he still wanted me, which will never happen! 

Brent looked back towards me as I noticed his eyes were gold revealing it was Zac who had taken control now. He began shaking as his body began to shift. Zac does not stand disrespect and being a Beta makes him a higher rank than Samuel.

Samuel growled as he shifted on the spot as his hackles raised snarling at Brent fiercely. Brent landed down onto all fours as Zac took full control, knowing he accepted me. I wanted to show I also accept Zac. 

Walking closer to his massive wolf form I brushed my fingers through his fur from his snout to his rump as a purr escaped from him in approval of my acceptance of him. Samuel's wolf snarled at Brent presenting his threat as Brent remained at my side as I watched Samuel.

With another growl roaring throughout the room, I knew it was about to happen. A battle between werewolves of.... Me!

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